WEB-NET, Step 1. Pre-Requisite Actions and Other Considerations

VLF Deployment Check Lists


WEB-NET, Step 1. Pre-Requisite Actions and Other Considerations




How to Do It


Ensure the VLF. NET feature is suitable for your circumstances

If the users are behind a proxy server that requires them to enter their username and password, the VLF.NET feature cannot be used.

This is a limitation of .NET ClickOnce deployment technology which does not currently support downloading of files through a proxy server that requires non-Windows integrated authentication.




Establish minimum supported configuration (MSC)

You need to formally define the minimum configuration your solution will viably support, including:

·      Minimum hardware requirements

·      Minimum software requirements

·      Minimum networking capabilities

·      Maximum data volumes.  

A formal MSC will:

·      Inform decisions about the overall solution cost

·      Establish the environment required to test the deployment of the solution or any patch/hotfix made to it.    

·      Raise awareness of the risk in implementing an "under the MSC" solution to the appropriate management level.

For more information refer to <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa048.CHM::/lansa/lansa048_0040.htm','main');">Application Performance</A> in the Framework Guide.