5 2 Task Configure the Java Services Manager on Linux

Install LANSA on Linux

5.2 Task: Configure the Java Services Manager on Linux

After you have installed the LANSA Integrator, you must check that the default instance values are suitable.

Before You Begin

Before you begin to configure the JSM Server on Windows, you should be able to answer "yes" to the following questions:

  • Have you installed the JSM Server software using the LANSA Linux install software?
  • Do you know the directory structure that will be used by the LANSA Integrator install?
  • Do you know the IP address of the JSM Server?
  • Do you have a JRE installed?
    You can install LANSA Integrator without a JRE, but you will not be able to run it until a JRE is installed. Java 1.4 or greater is required.
  • Have you reviewed the Log files that are produced in the JSM instance trace?
    These files may contain information regarding any updates required to property files.

JSMDirect and JSMProxy

If you have installed JSMDirect and JSMProxy, the ${INTEGRATOR_ROOT}/integrator/cgi-bin directory will contain three files: jsmdirect, jsmproxy and jsmadmin.

  • jsmdirect and jsmproxy execute JSMDirect and JSMProxy when called via CGI.
  • jsmadmin is used to view or change the JSMDirect and JSMProxy function registries (dc_w29.txt and dc_w30.txt) via Integrator Studio.

The file ${INTEGRATOR_ROOT}/integrator/apache/jsm.conf will be created containing all the Apache Web Server configuration required for LANSA Integrator for Linux. According to the Apache Web Server related options provided, the system Apache Web Server configuration file httpd.conf will also be modified to include this file by default. So after you restarted the Apache Web Server, the CGI programs for LANSA Integrator for Linux will become ready to be activated from a web browser.

  • You will need to check/update the values in
    Take particular note of the entries relating to the database.
  • Properties Files

    If you have used the default installation directory, you will find the following directory structure installed on your server:


    Within the instance directory are several directories, which contain files used to configure the JSM server. You should be aware of the contents of the following directories:



    If you are using tracing, you will also need to locate this directory:
