4 1 Linux Communications Configuration Files

LANSA Communication Set Up

4.1 Linux Communications Configuration Files

LANSA for Linux use the following three configuration files to configure various communication requirements:

  • lansa.ini
    This is the main configuration file which is used to change default file locations of other configuration files and provide common logging and tracing parameters.
    This is the configuration file for the Listener which contains, among other settings, the TCP port number to be used and various logging and tracing parameters.
  • lroute.dat
    This is the Communications Route Table which contains, amoug other settings, host routes and various route specific logging and tracing parameters.

LANSA for Linux Installer creates all these files upon installation and places the files inside the installation root directory.

If the environment variable LANSAXROOT is defined, LANSA Communications checks first in the directory specified by LANSAXROOT for lansa.ini, listen.dat and lroute.dat. If LANSAXROOT is not defined, or the files are not found, the /etc directory is checked next.

Note: The installer creates a shell script {install_root}/x_lansa/bin/setenv.sh to help advanced user to set up environment variables required for using LANSA for Linux in a shell command prompt. For instance, setenv.sh sets LANSAXROOT to {install_root} as default.

4.1.1 Using lansa.ini to Change Default File Locations

4.1.3 Configuring the Communications Route Table