适用DTD:Strict Transitional Frameset 适用浏览器:All
定义说明(definition description)
<dd 属性="属性值">~标签内容~</dd>
<dd 属性="属性值">~标签内容~</dd>
<dt>definition term1</dt><dd>definition description1</dd>
<dt>definition term2</dt><dd>definition description2</dd>
... ...
<dt>definition term1</dt><dd>definition description1</dd>
<dt>definition term2</dt><dd>definition description2</dd>
... ...
下面的例子显示了XHTML文件基础结构: 运行打印
下面的例子显示了XHTML文件基础结构: 运行打印
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<em>Phrase elements</em> add structural information to text fragments. The usual meanings of phrase elements are following:
<dd>Indicates emphasis. </dd>
<dd>Indicates stronger emphasis. </dd>
<dd>Contains a citation or a reference to other sources. </dd>
Here is an example with <font color="red">multiple</font> terms and descriptions:
<DD> A point equidistant from all points on the surface of a sphere.
<DD> In some field sports, the player who holds the middle position on the field, court, or forward line.
List element may be nested within other lists:
<li>Mix Marinade
<li>2 slices ginger <em>(smashed)</em></li>
<li>1 T. rice wine or sake</li>
<li>1 t. salt</li>
<li>2 T. peanut</li>
<li>Sault the seasonings</li>
<li>Add fish sauce</li>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<em>Phrase elements</em> add structural information to text fragments. The usual meanings of phrase elements are following:
<dd>Indicates emphasis. </dd>
<dd>Indicates stronger emphasis. </dd>
<dd>Contains a citation or a reference to other sources. </dd>
Here is an example with <font color="red">multiple</font> terms and descriptions:
<DD> A point equidistant from all points on the surface of a sphere.
<DD> In some field sports, the player who holds the middle position on the field, court, or forward line.
List element may be nested within other lists:
<li>Mix Marinade
<li>2 slices ginger <em>(smashed)</em></li>
<li>1 T. rice wine or sake</li>
<li>1 t. salt</li>
<li>2 T. peanut</li>
<li>Sault the seasonings</li>
<li>Add fish sauce</li>