适用DTD:Strict Transitional Frameset 适用浏览器:All
文档链接基准(document base URI)
<base 属性="属性值">
<base 属性="属性值">
1. 指定文件中所有相对URI的基准URI:
<base href="src/">
2. 指定链接的默认框架或窗口:
<base target="_top">
<base href="src/">
2. 指定链接的默认框架或窗口:
<base target="_top">
下面的例子显示了XHTML文件基础结构: 运行打印
下面的例子显示了XHTML文件基础结构: 运行打印
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<base href="" target="_blank">
此文档链接了外部样式表default.css <br>此文档使用了base元素,所有的相对链接都是相对base元素href属性指定的URI,超链接打开的目标窗口也是由base元素的target属性指定的<br>下面的超链接的URI为index.html,没有设定目标窗口,但是都由base元素指定了。<br>所以下面的图片也无法显示:<br><a href="index.html">Test the links</a><hr><img src="src/bugs.gif" alt="bugs bunny"><p>Authors may use the LINK element to provide a variety of information to search engines, including:</p>
<p>Links to alternate versions of a document, written in another human language. <br>
Links to alternate versions of a document, designed for different media, for instance a version especially suited for printing. <br>
Links to the starting page of a collection of documents. <br>
The examples below illustrate how language information, media types, and link types may be combined to improve document handling by search engines.</p>
<p>In the following example, we use the hreflang attribute to tell search engines where to find Dutch, Portuguese, and Arabic versions of a document. Note the use of the charset attribute for the Arabic manual. Note also the use of the lang attribute to indicate that the value of the title attribute for the LINK element designating the French manual is in French.<br>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<base href="" target="_blank">
此文档链接了外部样式表default.css <br>此文档使用了base元素,所有的相对链接都是相对base元素href属性指定的URI,超链接打开的目标窗口也是由base元素的target属性指定的<br>下面的超链接的URI为index.html,没有设定目标窗口,但是都由base元素指定了。<br>所以下面的图片也无法显示:<br><a href="index.html">Test the links</a><hr><img src="src/bugs.gif" alt="bugs bunny"><p>Authors may use the LINK element to provide a variety of information to search engines, including:</p>
<p>Links to alternate versions of a document, written in another human language. <br>
Links to alternate versions of a document, designed for different media, for instance a version especially suited for printing. <br>
Links to the starting page of a collection of documents. <br>
The examples below illustrate how language information, media types, and link types may be combined to improve document handling by search engines.</p>
<p>In the following example, we use the hreflang attribute to tell search engines where to find Dutch, Portuguese, and Arabic versions of a document. Note the use of the charset attribute for the Arabic manual. Note also the use of the lang attribute to indicate that the value of the title attribute for the LINK element designating the French manual is in French.<br>