Script Example


Script Example

The following is a sample code and its expected output.


// Z-Tool Test Script Example

// Written in JScript.NET

import System;

import System.Text;

import TI.ZPI1;


class ZScriptSampleClass


    // define states

    enum TEST_STATE






    // create private state variable

    private var currentState : TEST_STATE;

    function Start()


        // subscribe to message handler



        // initialize state

        currentState = TEST_STATE.STATE1;


        // Send SYS_VERSION command to Device1

        var req : SYS_VERSION = new SYS_VERSION();

        ZEngine.Send("Device1", req);



    function MessageHandler(zportName:String, id:MESSAGE_ID, msg:Object)




            case TEST_STATE.STATE1:


                // set state to STATE2

                currentState = TEST_STATE.STATE2;


                // send SYS_LED_CONTROL command to Device2

                var req : SYS_LED_CONTROL = new SYS_LED_CONTROL();

                req.LedID = SYS_LED_CONTROL.LED_NUM.LED_1;

                req.Mode = SYS_LED_CONTROL.LED_MODE.BLINK;

                ZEngine.Send("Device2", req);



            case TEST_STATE.STATE2:


                // get the response message

                var ledRsp : SYS_LED_CONTROL_RESPONSE = msg;


                // check response status

                if (ledRsp.Status == SYS_LED_CONTROL_RESPONSE.CMD_STATUS.SUCCESS)


                    // quit script to Passed status





                    // write message to log screen

                    ZEngine.WriteLog("Failed changing LED for " + zportName);


                    // quit script with Failed status












var zTestScript:ZScriptSampleClass = new ZScriptSampleClass();




The following is the expected output