Scanning for Devices
Though scanning for devices is very straightforward, it's good to understand how Z-Tool performs scanning. The followings are the expected behaviors:
The list of all connections, serial and socket, are generated at the beginning of a scan. Z-Tool gathers the options selected under Settings window. If Auto Scan option is selected in Serial Devices tab then all Enabled serial connections are added to the list. Settings of each serial connection are also read at this time. If Auto Scan option is selected in Socket Device tab then all socket connections are added to the list.
Z-Tool then sends out SYS_PING and SYS_GET_DEVICE_INFO commands to all of those connections. Notice that it also re-scans the devices that are already detected. A device must response to both of those commands to get detected. There are total of 4 retries and 3-second timeout. There's also a backup 10-second timeout to counter problems with system's resources running low. Scanning can be as fast as under 1 second if all devices respond immediately.
Scanning for socket devices usually takes longer than scanning for COM Port devices. If you don't have any socket connections, it's recommended to deselect Auto Scan option under Socket Devices.
Z-Tool automatically creates 1 log for each detected device. If you don't see the log for your device, chances are the device didn't get detected.
Z-Tool also clears all logs after scanning completes. If you need to save your logs, be sure to save them before doing a scan.
Scanning is performed automatically when Z-Tool first starts up.
There are two ways to perform a scan
Press Scan Devices button on the ToolBar or
Click on Tools -> Scan for Devices on the MenuBar