Settings in Z-Tool
Before using Z-Tool, it's recommended to run Settings and set your preferences and operating environments. To open Settings dialog box, select Settings under Tools from the MenuBar. Alternatively, you can click on Settings button on the ToolBar. The available settings are:
Scripts settings. Use this tab to add script folders and set the default Script editor.
Serial Devices settings. Use this tab to set COM Port information in Device Aliases. Select Auto Scan checkbox. Disable any COM Ports that are used for other applications. Ex: COM1 usually used by PDA sync. applications.
Double click on the desired COM Port to open COM Port setting dialog box. Set alias name, Data Bits, Baud Rate, Parity Bit, Handshake, and Stop Bits for each COM Port. Use the default if you are not sure what to enter.
Socket Devices settings. Select Auto Scan if you want Z-Tool to scan for socket devices. Use this tab to add socket connections if you have any.
Enter socket information.