A refererence to a dissector, used to call a dissector against a packet or a part of it.
Obtains a dissector reference by name
Calls a dissector against a given packet (or part of it)
A table of subdissectors of a particular protocol (e.g. TCP subdissectors like http, smtp, sip are added to table "tcp.port"). Useful to add more dissectors to a table so that they appear in the Decode As... dialog.
Creates a new DissectorTable for your dissector's use.
- tablename
The short name of the table.
- uiname (optional)
The name of the table in the User Interface (defaults to the name given).
- type (optional)
Either ftypes.UINT{8,16,24,32} or ftypes.STRING (defaults to ftypes.UINT32)
- base (optional)
Either base.NONE, base.DEC, base.HEX, base.OCT, base.DEC_HEX or base.HEX_DEC (defaults to base.DEC)
Obtain a reference to an existing dissector table.
Add a dissector to a table.
Remove a dissector from a table
Try to call a dissector from a table
Try to obtain a dissector from a table.
- pattern
The pattern to be matched (either an integer or a string depending on the table's type).
A preference of a Protocol.
Creates a boolean preference to be added to a Protocol's prefs table.
Creates an (unsigned) integer preference to be added to a Protocol's prefs table.
Creates a string preference to be added to a Protocol's prefs table.
Creates an enum preference to be added to a Protocol's prefs table.
Creates a range preference to be added to a Protocol's prefs table.
The table of preferences of a protocol
Creates a new preference
- name
The abbreviation of this preference
- pref
A valid but still unassigned Pref object
A new protocol in wireshark. Protocols have more uses, the main one is to dissect a protocol. But they can be just dummies used to register preferences for other purposes.
- name
The name of the protocol
- desc
A Long Text description of the protocol (usually lowercase)
The protocol's dissector, a function you define. The called dissector function will be given three arguments of (1) a Tvb object, (2) a Pinfo object, and (3) a TreeItem object.
The init routine of this dissector, a function you define. The called init function is passed no arguments.
A Protocol field (to be used when adding items to the dissection tree)
Creates a new field to be used in a protocol.
- name
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree).
- abbr
Filter name of the field (the string that is used in filters).
- type
Field Type: one of ftypes.NONE, ftypes.PROTOCOL, ftypes.BOOLEAN, ftypes.UINT8, ftypes.UINT16, ftypes.UINT24, ftypes.UINT32, ftypes.UINT64, ftypes.INT8, ftypes.INT16 ftypes.INT24, ftypes.INT32, ftypes.INT64, ftypes.FLOAT, ftypes.DOUBLE, ftypes.ABSOLUTE_TIME ftypes.RELATIVE_TIME, ftypes.STRING, ftypes.STRINGZ, ftypes.UINT_STRING, ftypes.ETHER, ftypes.BYTES ftypes.UINT_BYTES, ftypes.IPv4, ftypes.IPv6, ftypes.IPXNET, ftypes.FRAMENUM, ftypes.PCRE, ftypes.GUID ftypes.OID, ftypes.EUI64
- voidstring (optional)
A VoidString object.
- base (optional)
The representation: one of base.NONE, base.DEC, base.HEX, base.OCT, base.DEC_HEX, base.HEX_DEC
- mask (optional)
The bitmask to be used.
- descr (optional)
The description of the field.
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
A frame number (for hyperlinks between frames)
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
- valuestring (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- display (optional)
how wide the parent bitfield is (base.NONE is used for NULL-value)
- string (optional)
A table containing the text that corresponds to the values
- mask (optional)
Integer mask of this field
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- base (optional)
One of base.LOCAL, base.UTC or base.DOY_UTC
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field
- abbr
Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters)
- name (optional)
Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree)
- desc (optional)
Description of the field