D.7. editcap: Edit capture files


D.7. editcap: Edit capture files

Editcap 1.10.0 (SVN Rev 48974 from /trunk-1.10)
Edit and/or translate the format of capture files.
See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.

Usage: editcap [options] ... <infile> <outfile> [ <packet#>[-<packet#>] ... ]

<infile> and <outfile> must both be present.
A single packet or a range of packets can be selected.

Packet selection:
  -r                     keep the selected packets; default is to delete them.
  -A <start time>        only output packets whose timestamp is after (or equal
                         to) the given time (format as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss).
  -B <stop time>         only output packets whose timestamp is before the
                         given time (format as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss).

Duplicate packet removal:
  -d                     remove packet if duplicate (window == 5).
  -D <dup window>        remove packet if duplicate; configurable <dup window>
                         Valid <dup window> values are 0 to 1000000.
                         NOTE: A <dup window> of 0 with -v (verbose option) is
                         useful to print MD5 hashes.
  -w <dup time window>   remove packet if duplicate packet is found EQUAL TO OR
                         LESS THAN <dup time window> prior to current packet.
                         A <dup time window> is specified in relative seconds
                         (e.g. 0.000001).

           NOTE: The use of the 'Duplicate packet removal' options with
           other editcap options except -v may not always work as expected.
           Specifically the -r, -t or -S options will very likely NOT have the
           desired effect if combined with the -d, -D or -w.

Packet manipulation:
  -s <snaplen>           truncate each packet to max. <snaplen> bytes of data.
  -C <choplen>           chop each packet by <choplen> bytes. Positive values
                         chop at the packet beginning, negative values at the
                         packet end.
  -t <time adjustment>   adjust the timestamp of each packet;
                         <time adjustment> is in relative seconds (e.g. -0.5).
  -S <strict adjustment> adjust timestamp of packets if necessary to insure
                         strict chronological increasing order. The <strict
                         adjustment> is specified in relative seconds with
                         values of 0 or 0.000001 being the most reasonable.
                         A negative adjustment value will modify timestamps so
                         that each packet's delta time is the absolute value
                         of the adjustment specified. A value of -0 will set
                         all packets to the timestamp of the first packet.
  -E <error probability> set the probability (between 0.0 and 1.0 incl.)
                         that a particular packet byte will be randomly changed.

Output File(s):
  -c <packets per file>  split the packet output to different files
                         based on uniform packet counts
                         with a maximum of <packets per file> each.
  -i <seconds per file>  split the packet output to different files
                         based on uniform time intervals
                         with a maximum of <seconds per file> each.
  -F <capture type>      set the output file type; default is pcapng.
                         an empty "-F" option will list the file types.
  -T <encap type>        set the output file encapsulation type;
                         default is the same as the input file.
                         an empty "-T" option will list the encapsulation types.

  -h                     display this help and exit.
  -v                     verbose output.
                         If -v is used with any of the 'Duplicate Packet
                         Removal' options (-d, -D or -w) then Packet lengths
                         and MD5 hashes are printed to standard-out.
$ editcap -F
editcap: option requires an argument -- 'F'
editcap: The available capture file types for the "-F" flag are:
    5views - InfoVista 5View capture
    btsnoop - Symbian OS btsnoop
    commview - TamoSoft CommView
    dct2000 - Catapult DCT2000 trace (.out format)
    erf - Endace ERF capture
    eyesdn - EyeSDN USB S0/E1 ISDN trace format
    k12text - K12 text file
    lanalyzer - Novell LANalyzer
    libpcap - Wireshark/tcpdump/... - libpcap
    modlibpcap - Modified tcpdump - libpcap
    netmon1 - Microsoft NetMon 1.x
    netmon2 - Microsoft NetMon 2.x
    nettl - HP-UX nettl trace
    ngsniffer - NA Sniffer (DOS)
    ngwsniffer_1_1 - NA Sniffer (Windows) 1.1
    ngwsniffer_2_0 - NA Sniffer (Windows) 2.00x
    niobserver - Network Instruments Observer
    nokialibpcap - Nokia tcpdump - libpcap 
    nseclibpcap - Wireshark - nanosecond libpcap
    nstrace10 - NetScaler Trace (Version 1.0)
    nstrace20 - NetScaler Trace (Version 2.0)
    pcapng - Wireshark - pcapng
    rf5 - Tektronix K12xx 32-bit .rf5 format
    rh6_1libpcap - RedHat 6.1 tcpdump - libpcap
    snoop - Sun snoop
    suse6_3libpcap - SuSE 6.3 tcpdump - libpcap
    visual - Visual Networks traffic capture
$ editcap -T
editcap: option requires an argument -- 'T'
editcap: The available encapsulation types for the "-T" flag are:
    ap1394 - Apple IP-over-IEEE 1394
    arcnet - ARCNET
    arcnet_linux - Linux ARCNET
    ascend - Lucent/Ascend access equipment
    atm-pdus - ATM PDUs
    atm-pdus-untruncated - ATM PDUs - untruncated
    atm-rfc1483 - RFC 1483 ATM
    ax25 - Amateur Radio AX.25
    ax25-kiss - AX.25 with KISS header
    bacnet-ms-tp - BACnet MS/TP
    bacnet-ms-tp-with-direction - BACnet MS/TP with Directional Info
    ber - ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules
    bluetooth-h4 - Bluetooth H4
    bluetooth-h4-linux - Bluetooth H4 with linux header
    bluetooth-hci - Bluetooth without transport layer
    can20b - Controller Area Network 2.0B
    chdlc - Cisco HDLC
    chdlc-with-direction - Cisco HDLC with Directional Info
    cosine - CoSine L2 debug log
    dbus - D-Bus
    dct2000 - Catapult DCT2000
    docsis - Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
    dpnss_link - Digital Private Signalling System No 1 Link Layer
    dvbci - DVB-CI (Common Interface)
    enc - OpenBSD enc(4) encapsulating interface
    erf - Extensible Record Format
    ether - Ethernet
    ether-nettl - Ethernet with nettl headers
    fc2 - Fibre Channel FC-2
    fc2sof - Fibre Channel FC-2 With Frame Delimiter
    fddi - FDDI
    fddi-nettl - FDDI with nettl headers
    fddi-swapped - FDDI with bit-swapped MAC addresses
    flexray - FlexRay
    frelay - Frame Relay
    frelay-with-direction - Frame Relay with Directional Info
    gcom-serial - GCOM Serial
    gcom-tie1 - GCOM TIE1
    gprs-llc - GPRS LLC
    gsm_um - GSM Um Interface
    hhdlc - HiPath HDLC
    i2c - I2C
    ieee-802-11 - IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN
    ieee-802-11-airopeek - IEEE 802.11 plus AiroPeek radio header
    ieee-802-11-avs - IEEE 802.11 plus AVS radio header
    ieee-802-11-netmon - IEEE 802.11 plus Network Monitor radio header
    ieee-802-11-prism - IEEE 802.11 plus Prism II monitor mode radio header
    ieee-802-11-radio - IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN with radio information
    ieee-802-11-radiotap - IEEE 802.11 plus radiotap radio header
    ieee-802-16-mac-cps - IEEE 802.16 MAC Common Part Sublayer
    infiniband - InfiniBand
    ios - Cisco IOS internal
    ip-over-fc - RFC 2625 IP-over-Fibre Channel
    ip-over-ib - IP over Infiniband
    ipfix - IPFIX
    ipmb - Intelligent Platform Management Bus
    ipnet - Solaris IPNET
    irda - IrDA
    isdn - ISDN
    ixveriwave - IxVeriWave header and stats block
    jfif - JPEG/JFIF
    juniper-atm1 - Juniper ATM1
    juniper-atm2 - Juniper ATM2
    juniper-chdlc - Juniper C-HDLC
    juniper-ether - Juniper Ethernet
    juniper-frelay - Juniper Frame-Relay
    juniper-ggsn - Juniper GGSN
    juniper-mlfr - Juniper MLFR
    juniper-mlppp - Juniper MLPPP
    juniper-ppp - Juniper PPP
    juniper-pppoe - Juniper PPPoE
    juniper-svcs - Juniper Services
    juniper-vp - Juniper Voice PIC
    k12 - K12 protocol analyzer
    lapb - LAPB
    lapd - LAPD
    layer1-event - EyeSDN Layer 1 event
    lin - Local Interconnect Network
    linux-atm-clip - Linux ATM CLIP
    linux-lapd - LAPD with Linux pseudo-header
    linux-sll - Linux cooked-mode capture
    ltalk - Localtalk
    mime - MIME
    most - Media Oriented Systems Transport
    mp2ts - ISO/IEC 13818-1 MPEG2-TS
    mpeg - MPEG
    mtp2 - SS7 MTP2
    mtp2-with-phdr - MTP2 with pseudoheader
    mtp3 - SS7 MTP3
    mux27010 - MUX27010
    netanalyzer - netANALYZER
    netanalyzer-transparent - netANALYZER-Transparent
    nfc-llcp - NFC LLCP
    nflog - NFLOG
    nstrace10 - NetScaler Encapsulation 1.0 of Ethernet
    nstrace20 - NetScaler Encapsulation 2.0 of Ethernet
    null - NULL
    packetlogger - PacketLogger
    pflog - OpenBSD PF Firewall logs
    pflog-old - OpenBSD PF Firewall logs, pre-3.4
    ppi - Per-Packet Information header
    ppp - PPP
    ppp-with-direction - PPP with Directional Info
    pppoes - PPP-over-Ethernet session
    raw-icmp-nettl - Raw ICMP with nettl headers
    raw-icmpv6-nettl - Raw ICMPv6 with nettl headers
    raw-telnet-nettl - Raw telnet with nettl headers
    rawip - Raw IP
    rawip-nettl - Raw IP with nettl headers
    rawip4 - Raw IPv4
    rawip6 - Raw IPv6
    redback - Redback SmartEdge
    sccp - SS7 SCCP
    sctp - SCTP
    sdh - SDH
    sdlc - SDLC
    sita-wan - SITA WAN packets
    slip - SLIP
    socketcan - SocketCAN
    symantec - Symantec Enterprise Firewall
    tnef - Transport-Neutral Encapsulation Format
    tr - Token Ring
    tr-nettl - Token Ring with nettl headers
    tzsp - Tazmen sniffer protocol
    unknown - Unknown
    unknown-nettl - Unknown link-layer type with nettl headers
    usb - Raw USB packets
    usb-linux - USB packets with Linux header
    usb-linux-mmap - USB packets with Linux header and padding
    usb-usbpcap - USB packets with USBPcap header
    user0 - USER 0
    user1 - USER 1
    user10 - USER 10
    user11 - USER 11
    user12 - USER 12
    user13 - USER 13
    user14 - USER 14
    user15 - USER 15
    user2 - USER 2
    user3 - USER 3
    user4 - USER 4
    user5 - USER 5
    user6 - USER 6
    user7 - USER 7
    user8 - USER 8
    user9 - USER 9
    v5-ef - V5 Envelope Function
    whdlc - Wellfleet HDLC
    wpan - IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless PAN
    wpan-nofcs - IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless PAN with FCS not present
    wpan-nonask-phy - IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless PAN non-ASK PHY
    x25-nettl - X.25 with nettl headers
    x2e-serial - X2E serial line capture
    x2e-xoraya - X2E Xoraya