Type Property
Type property as it applies to the AnimationBehavior object.
Returns or sets an MsoAnimType constant that represents the type of animation. Read/write.
MsoAnimType can be one of theseMsoAnimType constants. |
MsoAnimTypeColor |
MsoAnimTypeMixed |
MsoAnimTypeMotion |
MsoAnimTypeNone |
MsoAnimTypeProperty |
MsoAnimTypeRoatation |
MsoAnimTypeScale |
MsoAnimTypeTransition |
expression Required. An expression that returns an AnimationBehavior object.
Type property as it applies to the BulletFormat object.
Returns or sets a PpBulletType constant that represents the type of bullet. Read/write.
PpBulletType can be one of these PpBulletType constants. |
ppBulletMixed |
ppBulletNone |
ppBulletNumbered |
ppBulletPicture |
ppBulletUnnumbered |
expression Required. An expression that returns a BulletFormat object.
Returns or sets an MsoCalloutType constant that represents the type of callout. Read/write.
MsoCalloutType can be one of these MsoCalloutType constants. |
msoCalloutFour |
msoCalloutMixed |
msoCalloutOne |
msoCalloutThree |
msoCalloutTwo |
expression Required. An expression that returns a CalloutFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the ColorFormat object.
Returns the MsoColorType constant that represents the type of color. Read-only.
MsoColorType can be one of these MsoColorType constants. |
msoColorTypeCMS |
msoColorTypeCMYK |
msoColorTypeInk |
msoColorTypeMixed |
msoColorTypeRGB |
msoColorTypeScheme |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the ConnectorFormat object.
Returns or sets an MsoConnectorType constant that represents the type of connector. Read/write.
MsoConnectorType can be one of these MsoConnectorType constants. |
msoConnectorCurve |
msoConnectorElbow |
msoConnectorStraight |
msoConnectorTypeMixed |
expression Required. An expression that returns a ConnectorFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the Diagram object.
Returns an MsoDiagramType constant that represents the type of diagram. Read-only.
MsoDiagramType can be one of these MsoDiagramType constants. |
msoDiagramCycle |
msoDiagramMixed |
msoDiagramOrgChart |
msoDiagramPyramid |
msoDiagramRadial |
msoDiagramTarget |
msoDiagramVenn |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Diagram object.
Type property as it applies to the FillFormat object.
Returns an MsoFillType constant that represent the type of fill. Read-only.
MsoFillType can be one of these MsoFillType constants. |
msoFillBackground |
msoFillGradient |
msoFillMixed |
msoFillPatterned |
msoFillPicture |
msoFillSolid |
msoFillTextured |
expression Required. An expression that returns a FillFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the Hyperlink object.
Returns an MsoHyperlinkType constant that represents the type of hyperlink. Read-only.
MsoHyperlinkType can be one of these MsoHyperlinkType constants. |
msoHyperlinkInlineShape For use in Microsoft Word only. |
msoHyperlinkRange |
msoHyperlinkShape |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Hyperlink object.
Type property as it applies to the PlaceholderFormat object.
Returns a PpPlaceholderType constant that represents the type of placeholder. Read-only.
PpPlaceholderType can be one of these PpPlaceholderType constants. |
ppPlaceholderBitmap |
ppPlaceholderBody |
ppPlaceholderCenterTitle |
ppPlaceholderChart |
ppPlaceholderDate |
ppPlaceholderFooter |
ppPlaceholderHeader |
ppPlaceholderMediaClip |
ppPlaceholderMixed |
ppPlaceholderObject |
ppPlaceholderOrgChart |
ppPlaceholderSlideNumber |
ppPlaceholderSubtitle |
ppPlaceholderTable |
ppPlaceholderTitle |
ppPlaceholderVerticalBody |
ppPlaceholderVerticalTitle |
expression Required. An expression that returns a PlaceholderFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the Selection object.
Returns a PpSelectionType constant that represents the type of objects in a selection. Read-only.
PpSelectionType can be one of these PpSelectionType constants. |
ppSelectionNone |
ppSelectionShapes |
ppSelectionSlides |
ppSelectionText |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Selection object.
Type property as it applies to the ShadowFormat object.
Returns or sets an MsoShadowType constant that represents the type of shadow. Read/write.
MsoShadowType can be one of these MsoShadowType constants. |
msoShadow1 |
msoShadow10 |
msoShadow11 |
msoShadow12 |
msoShadow13 |
msoShadow14 |
msoShadow15 |
msoShadow16 |
msoShadow17 |
msoShadow18 |
msoShadow19 |
msoShadow2 |
msoShadow20 |
msoShadow3 |
msoShadow4 |
msoShadow5 |
msoShadow6 |
msoShadow7 |
msoShadow8 |
msoShadow9 |
msoShadowMixed |
expression Required. An expression that returns a ShadowFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the Shape and ShapeRange objects.
Returns an MsoShapeType constant that represents the type of shape or shapes in a range of shapes. Read-only.
MsoShapeType can be one of these MsoShapeType constants. |
msoAutoShape |
msoCallout |
msoCanvas |
msoChart |
msoComment |
msoDiagram |
msoEmbeddedOLEObject |
msoFormControl |
msoFreeform |
msoGroup |
msoLine |
msoLinkedOLEObject |
msoLinkedPicture |
msoMedia |
msoOLEControlObject |
msoPicture |
msoPlaceholder |
msoScriptAnchor |
msoShapeTypeMixed |
msoTable |
msoTextBox |
msoTextEffect |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the SoundEffect object.
Returns or sets a PpSoundEffectType constant that represents the type of sound effect. Read/write.
PpSoundEffectType can be one of these PpSoundEffectType constants. |
ppSoundEffectsMixed |
ppSoundFile |
ppSoundNone |
ppSoundStopPrevious |
expression Required. An expression that returns a SoundEffect object.
Type property as it applies to the TabStop object.
Returns or sets a PpTabStopType constant that represents the formatting of a tab stop. Read/write.
PpTabStopType can be one of these PpTabStopType constants. |
ppTabStopCenter |
ppTabStopDecimal |
ppTabStopLeft |
ppTabStopMixed |
ppTabStopRight |
expression Required. An expression that returns a TabStop object.
Type property as it applies to the View object.
Returns a PpViewType constant that represents the type of view. Read-only.
PpViewType can be one of these PpViewType constants. |
ppViewHandoutMaster |
ppViewMasterThumbnails |
ppViewNormal |
ppViewNotesMaster |
ppViewNotesPage |
ppViewOutline |
ppViewPrintPreview |
ppViewSlide |
ppViewSlideMaster |
ppViewSlideSorter |
ppViewThumbnails |
ppViewTitleMaster |
expression Required. An expression that returns a View object.
As it applies to the Shape object.
This example loops through all the shapes on all the slides in the active presentation and sets all linked Microsoft Excel worksheets to be updated manually.
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each sh In sld.Shapes
If sh.Type = msoLinkedOLEObject Then
If sh.OLEFormat.ProgID = "Excel.Sheet" Then
sh.LinkFormat.AutoUpdate = ppUpdateOptionManual
End If
End If