ConvertToAfterEffect Method
Specifies what an effect should do after it is finished. Returns an Effect object that represents an after effect.
expression.ConvertToAfterEffect(Effect, After, DimColor, DimSchemeColor)
expression Required. An expression that returns a Sequence object.
Effect Required Effect object. The effect to which the after effect will be added.
After Required MsoAnimAfterEffect. The behavior of the after effect.
MsoAnimAfterEffect can be one of these MsoAnimAfterEffect constants. |
msoAnimAfterEffectDim |
msoAnimAfterEffectHide |
msoAnimAfterEffectHideOnNextClick |
msoAnimAfterEffectMixed |
msoAnimAfterEffectNone |
DimColor Optional MsoRGBType. A single color to apply the after effect.
DimSchemeColor Optional PpColorSchemeIndex. A predefined color scheme to apply to the after effect.
PpColorSchemeIndex can be one of these PpColorSchemeIndex constants. |
ppAccent1 |
ppAccent2 |
ppAccent3 |
ppBackground |
ppFill |
ppForeground |
ppNotSchemeColor default |
ppSchemeColorMixed |
ppShadow |
ppTitle |
Do not use both the DimColor and DimSchemeColor arguments in the same call to this method. An after effect may have one color, or use a predefined color scheme, but not both.
The following example sets a dim color for an after effect on the first shape on the first slide in the active presentation. This example assume there is a shape on the first slide.
Sub ConvertToDim()
Dim shpSelected As Shape
Dim sldActive As Slide
Dim effConvert As Effect
Set sldActive = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
Set shpSelected = sldActive.Shapes(1)
' Add an animation effect.
Set effConvert = sldActive.TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect _
(Shape:=shpSelected, effectId:=msoAnimEffectBounce)
' Add a dim after effect.
Set effConvert = sldActive.TimeLine.MainSequence.ConvertToAfterEffect _
(Effect:=effConvert, After:=msoAnimAfterEffectDim, _
DimColor:=RGB(Red:=255, Green:=255, Blue:=255))
End Sub