Layout Property
Returns or sets an MsoOrgChartLayoutType constant that represents the layout type for the diagram nodes in an organization chart. Read/write.
MsoOrgChartLayoutType can be one of these MsoOrgChartLayoutType constants. |
msoOrgChartLayoutAssistant |
msoOrgChartLayoutBothHanging |
msoOrgChartLayoutLeftHanging |
msoOrgChartLayoutMixed |
msoOrgChartLayoutRightHanging |
msoOrgChartLayoutStandard |
expression Required. An expression that returns a DiagramNode object.
This property generates an error unless the diagram's Type property is msoDiagramTypeOrgChart.
Layout property as it applies to the Slide and SlideRange objects.
Returns or sets a PpSlideLayout constant that represents the slide layout. Read/write.
PpSlideLayout can be one of these PpSlideLayout constants. |
ppLayoutBlank |
ppLayoutChart |
ppLayoutChartAndText |
ppLayoutClipartAndText |
ppLayoutClipArtAndVerticalText |
ppLayoutFourObjects |
ppLayoutLargeObject |
ppLayoutMediaClipAndText |
ppLayoutMixed |
ppLayoutObject |
ppLayoutObjectAndText |
ppLayoutObjectOverText |
ppLayoutOrgchart |
ppLayoutTable |
ppLayoutText |
ppLayoutTextAndChart |
ppLayoutTextAndClipart |
ppLayoutTextAndMediaClip |
ppLayoutTextAndObject |
ppLayoutTextAndTwoObjects |
ppLayoutTextOverObject |
ppLayoutTitle |
ppLayoutTitleOnly |
ppLayoutTwoColumnText |
ppLayoutTwoObjectsAndText |
ppLayoutTwoObjectsOverText |
ppLayoutVerticalText |
ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndText |
ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndTextOverChart |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
As it applies to the DiagramNode object.
The following example changes the layout of a newly-crated diagram.
Sub ChangeDiagramLayout()
Dim dgnNode As DiagramNode
Dim shpDiagram As Shape
Dim intNodes As Integer
Set shpDiagram = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.AddDiagram _
(Type:=msoDiagramOrgChart, Left:=10, Top:=15, _
Width:=400, Height:=475)
Set dgnNode = shpDiagram.DiagramNode.Children.AddNode
For intNodes = 1 To 3
Next intNodes
dgnNode.Layout = msoOrgChartLayoutRightHanging
End Sub
As it applies to the Slide object.
This example changes the layout of slide one in the active presentation to include a title and subtitle if it initially has only a title.
With ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
If .Layout = ppLayoutTitleOnly Then
.Layout = ppLayoutTitle
End If
End With