Open Method
Opens the specified presentation. Returns a Presentation object that represents the opened presentation.
expression.Open(FileName, ReadOnly, Untitled, WithWindow, OpenConflictDocument)
expression Required. An expression that returns a Presentations collection.
FileName Required String. The name of the file to open.
ReadOnly Optional MsoTriState. Specifies whether the file is opened with read/write or read-only status.
MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants. |
msoCTrue |
msoFalse Default. Opens the file with read/write status. |
msoTriStateMixed |
msoTriStateToggle |
msoTrue Opens the file with read-only status. |
Untitled Optional MsoTriState. Specifies whether the file has a title.
MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants. |
msoCTrue |
msoFalse Default. The file name automatically becomes the title of the opened presentation. |
msoTriStateMixed |
msoTriStateToggle |
msoTrue Opens the file without a title. This is equivalent to creating a copy of the file. |
WithWindow Optional MsoTriState. Specifies whether the file is visible.
MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants. |
msoCTrue |
msoFalse Hides the opened presentation. |
msoTriStateMixed |
msoTriStateToggle |
msoTrue Default. Opens the file in a visible window. |
OpenConflictDocument Optional MsoTriState. Specifies whether to open the conflict file for a presentation with an offline conflict.
MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants. |
msoCTrue |
msoFalse Default. Opens the server file and ignores the conflict document. |
msoTriStateMixed |
msoTriStateToggle |
msoTrue Opens the conflict file and overwrites the server file. |
With the proper file converters installed, Microsoft PowerPoint opens files with the following MS-DOS file extensions: .ch3, .cht, .doc, .htm, .html, .mcw, .pot, .ppa, .pps, .ppt, .pre, .rtf, .sh3, .shw, .txt, .wk1, .wk3, .wk4, .wpd, .wpf, .wps, and .xls.
This example opens a presentation with read-only status.
Presentations.Open FileName:="c:\My Documents\pres1.ppt", _