SlideSelectionChanged Event
This event occurs at different times depending on the current view.
View | Description |
Normal, Master | Occurs when the slide in the slide pane changes. |
Slide Sorter | Occurs when the selection changes. |
Slide, Notes | Occurs when the slide changes. |
Outline | Does not occur. |
Private Sub object_SlideSelectionChanged(ByVal SldRange As SlideRange)
object A variable that references an object of type Application declared with events in a class module.
SldRange The selection of slides. In most cases this would be a single slide (for example, in Slide View you navigate to the next slide), but in some cases this could be multiple slides (for example, a marquee selection in Slide Sorter View).
To access the Application events, declare an Application variable in the General Declarations section of your code. Then set the variable equal to the Application object for which you want to access events. For information about using events with the Microsoft PowerPoint Application object, see Using Events with the Application Object.
This example displays a message every time a user selects a different slide. This example assumes an Application object called PPTApp has been declared using the WithEvents keyword.
Private Sub PPTApp_SlideSelectionChanged(ByVal SldRange As SlideRange)
MsgBox "Slide selection changed."
End Sub