AdvanceMode Property
AdvanceMode property as it applies to the AnimationSettings object.
Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the specified shape animation advances only when clicked or automatically after a specified amount of time. Read/write PpAdvanceMode. If your shape doesn't become animated, make sure that the TextLevelEffect property is set to a value other than ppAnimateLevelNone and that the Animate property is set to True.
PpAdvanceMode can be one of these PpAdvanceMode constants. |
ppAdvanceModeMixed |
ppAdvanceOnClick |
ppAdvanceOnTime |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
AdvanceMode property as it applies to the SlideShowSettings object.
Returns or sets a value that indicates how the slide show advances. Read/write PpSlideShowAdvanceMode.
PpSlideShowAdvanceMode can be one of these PpSlideShowAdvanceMode constants. |
ppSlideShowManualAdvance |
ppSlideShowRehearseNewTimings |
ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
AdvanceMode property as it applies to the SlideShowView object.
Returns a value that indicates how the slide show in the specified view advances. Read-only PpSlideShowAdvanceMode.
PpSlideShowAdvanceMode can be one of these PpSlideShowAdvanceMode constants. |
ppSlideShowManualAdvance |
ppSlideShowRehearseNewTimings |
ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
As it applies to the AnimationSettings object.
This example sets shape two on slide one in the active presentation to become animated automatically after five seconds.
With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2).AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.AdvanceTime = 5
.TextLevelEffect = ppAnimateByAllLevels
.Animate = True
End With