Additive Property

Microsoft PowerPoint Visual Basic

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Additive Property


Sets or returns an MsoAnimAdditive constant that represents whether the current animation behavior is combined with other running animations. Read/write.

MsoAnimAdditive can be one of these MsoAnimAdditive constants.
msoAnimAdditiveAddBase Does not combine current animation with other animations. Default.
msoAnimAdditiveAddSum Combines the current animation with other running animations.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


Combining animation behaviors particularly useful for rotation effects. For example, if the current animation changes rotation and another animation is also changing rotation, then if this property is set to msoAnimAdditiveAddSum, Microsoft PowerPoint will add together the rotations from both the animations.


The following example allows the current animation behavior to be added to another animation behavior.

Sub SetAdditive()

    Dim animBehavior As AnimationBehavior

    Set animBehavior = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange(1) _

    animBehavior.Additive = msoAnimAdditiveAddSum

End Sub