InsertDateTime Method
Inserts the date and time in the specified text range. Returns a TextRange object that represents the inserted text.
expression.InsertDateTime(DateTimeFormat, InsertAsField)
expression Required. An expression that returns a TextRange object.
DateTimeFormat Required PpDateTimeFormat. A format for the date and time.
PpDateTimeFormat can be one of these PpDateTimeFormat constants. |
ppDateTimeddddMMMMddyyyy |
ppDateTimedMMMMyyyy |
ppDateTimedMMMyy |
ppDateTimeFormatMixed |
ppDateTimeHmm |
ppDateTimehmmAMPM |
ppDateTimeHmmss |
ppDateTimehmmssAMPM |
ppDateTimeMdyy |
ppDateTimeMMddyyHmm |
ppDateTimeMMddyyhmmAMPM |
ppDateTimeMMMMdyyyy |
ppDateTimeMMMMyy |
ppDateTimeMMyy |
InsertAsField Optional MsoTriState. Determines whether the inserted date and time will be updated each time the presentation is opened.
MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants. |
msoCTrue |
msoFalse Default. |
msoTriStateMixed |
msoTriStateToggle |
msoTrue Updates the inserted date and time each time the presentation is opened. |
This example inserts the date and time after the first sentence of the first paragraph in shape two on slide one in the active presentation.
Set sh = Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2)
Set sentOne = sh.TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs(1).Sentences(1)
sentOne.InsertAfter.InsertDateTime ppDateTimeMdyy