RemovePersonalInformation Property

Microsoft PowerPoint Visual Basic

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RemovePersonalInformation Property


MsoTrue for Microsoft PowerPoint to remove all user information from comments, revisions, and the Properties dialog box upon saving a presentation. Read/write MsoTriState.

MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants.
msoCTrue Doesn't apply to this property.
msoFalse Comments, revisions, and personal information remain in the presentation.
msoTriStateMixed Doesn't apply to this property.
msoTriStateToggle Doesn't apply to this property.
msoTrue Removes comments, revisions, and personal information when saving presentation.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example sets the active presentation to remove personal information the next time the user saves it.

Sub RemovePersonalInfo()
    ActivePresentation.RemovePersonalInformation = msoTrue
End Sub