New Properties (by Object)

Microsoft PowerPoint Visual Basic

New Properties (by Object)


Properties that have been added to existing objects in Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 are listed in the following table (sorted by object name).

Object New Properties
Addin DisplayAlerts
AnimationBehavior Accumulate, Additive, ColorEffect, MotionEffect, PropertyEffect, RotationEffect, ScaleEffect, Timing
AnimationPoint Formula, Time, Value
AnimationPoints Smooth
Application AutoCorrect, AutomationSecurity, DisplayAlerts, DisplayGridLines, FileDialog, NewPresentation, Options, ShowStartupDialog
AutoCorrect DisplayAutoCorrectOptions, DisplayAutoLayoutOptions
ColorEffect By, From, To
ColorFormat Black, Cyan, Ink, Magenta, OverPrint, TintAndShade, Yellow
Comment Author, AuthorIndex, AuthorInitials, DateTime
DefaultWebOptions SaveNewWebPagesAsWebArchives, TargetBrowser
Design Index, Preserved
Diagram AutoFormat, AutoLayout, Reverse
DiagramNode Children, Diagram, Root, TextShape
DiagramNodeChildren FirstChild, LastChild
Effect Behaviors, DisplayName, EffectInformation, EffectParameters, EffectType, Exit, Index, Paragraph, TextRangeLength, TextRangeStart, Timing
EffectInformation BuildByLevelEffect, Dim
EffectParameters Amount, Color1, Color2, Direction, Relative
LineFormat InsetPen
Master Design, TimeLine
MotionEffect ByX, ByY, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY
Options DisplayPasteOptions
Presentation Designs, GridDistance, HasRevisionInfo, Password, PasswordEncryptionAlgorithm, PasswordEncryptionFileProperties, PasswordEncryptionKeyLength, PasswordEncryptionProvider, RemovePersonalInformation, Signatures, SnapToGrid, WritePassword
PrintOptions PrintComments
PropertyEffect From, Property, To
RotationEffect By, From, To
ScaleEffect ByX, ByY, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY
Selection ChildShapeRange, HasChildShapeRange
Shape Child, Diagram, DiagramNode, HasDiagram, HasDiagramNode, Id, ParentGroup
ShapeRange Child, Diagram, DiagramNode, HasDiagram, HasDiagramNode, Id, ParentGroup
Slide Comments, Design, TimeLine
SlideRange Comments, Design, TimeLine
SlideShowSettings ShowScrollbar
TimeLine InteractiveSequences, MainSequence
Timing Accelerate, AutoReverse, Decelerate, Duration, RepeatCount, RepeatDuration, Restart, RewindAtEnd, SmoothEnd, SmoothStart, TriggerDelayTime, TriggerShape, TriggerType
WebOptions TargetBrowser