Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- Rate : ICall
- RateCurrency : ICall
- RatePrecision : ICall
- Read() : IApplicationStream
- ReceivedAuthRequest : IUser
- ReceivedStreams : IApplication
- RecentChats : ISkype
- RecentMessages : IChat
- RedirectToVoicemail() : ICall
- Remove() : IVoicemailCollection , IApplicationStreamCollection , IGroupCollection , ISmsChunkCollection , IUserCollection , ISmsTargetCollection , ISmsMessageCollection , IParticipantCollection , IFileTransferCollection , ICallChannelCollection , ICallCollection , IChatMessageCollection , IChatCollection , IConferenceCollection
- RemoveAll() : ISmsMessageCollection , IGroupCollection , ISmsChunkCollection , IChatMessageCollection , ISmsTargetCollection , IFileTransferCollection , ICallChannelCollection , IApplicationStreamCollection , IUserCollection , IParticipantCollection , ICallCollection , IChatCollection , IConferenceCollection , IVoicemailCollection
- RemoveUser() : IGroup
- Reply() : _ISkypeEvents , ICommand
- ReplyToNumber : ISmsMessage
- ResetCache() : ISkype
- ResetIdleTimer() : ISettings
- Resume() : IConference , ICall
- RichMoodText : IUser , IProfile
- Ringer : ISettings
- RingTone : ISettings
- RingToneStatus : ISettings
- Role : IChatMessage , IChatMember
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