Skype4COM: Profile.vbs



This script lists the profile properties for the current user.

Copyright � 2004-2006 Skype Limited. Licensed under BSD license.

'// Create a Skype4COM object:
Set oSkype = WScript.CreateObject("Skype4COM.Skype","Skype_")

'// Start the Skype client:
If Not oSkype.Client.IsRunning Then oSkype.Client.Start() End If

'// List the profile properties for the user:
WScript.Echo "Full name: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.FullName
WScript.Echo "Birthday: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.Birthday
WScript.Echo "Sex: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.Sex
WScript.Echo "Languages: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.Languages
WScript.Echo "Country: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.Country
WScript.Echo "IP Country: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.IPCountry
WScript.Echo "Province: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.Province
WScript.Echo "City: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.City
WScript.Echo "Phone home: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.PhoneHome
WScript.Echo "Phone office: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.PhoneOffice
WScript.Echo "Phone mobile: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.PhoneMobile
WScript.Echo "Homepage: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.Homepage
WScript.Echo "About: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.About
WScript.Echo "Mood: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.MoodText
WScript.Echo "Timezone: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.Timezone
WScript.Echo "Noanswer timeout: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.CallNoAnswerTimeout
WScript.Echo "Forward rules: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.CallForwardRules
WScript.Echo "Call apply forward: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.CallApplyCF
WScript.Echo "Call send to voicemail: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.CallSendToVM
WScript.Echo "Balance: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.Balance / 100 &" "& oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.BalanceCurrency
WScript.Echo "Balance Text: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.BalanceToText
WScript.Echo "Validated SMS numbers: " & oSkype.CurrentUserProfile.ValidatedSmsNumbers

'// The AttachmentStatus event handler monitors attachment status and automatically attempts to reattach to the API following loss of connection:
Public Sub Skype_AttachmentStatus(ByVal aStatus)
  WScript.Echo ">Attachment status " & oSkype.Convert.AttachmentStatusToText(aStatus)
  If aStatus = oSkype.Convert.TextToAttachmentStatus("AVAILABLE") Then oSkype.Attach() End If
End Sub

Copyright � 2006 Skype Limited. All rights reserved.