ISkype Interface Reference
Skype is the default interface for the class. More...
import "Skype4COM.idl";
Public Member Functions | |
HRESULT | SearchForUsers ([in] BSTR Target,[out, retval] IUserCollection **pVal) |
This command searches for users. | |
HRESULT | Attach ([in, defaultvalue(5)] LONG Protocol,[in, defaultvalue(-1)] VARIANT_BOOL Wait) |
This command establishes a connection to Skype. | |
HRESULT | PlaceCall ([in] BSTR Target,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Target2,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Target3,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Target4,[out, retval] ICall **pCall) |
This command places a call to a single user or creates a conference call. | |
HRESULT | SendMessage ([in] BSTR Username,[in] BSTR Text,[out, retval] IChatMessage **pMessage) |
This command sends a chat message. | |
HRESULT | SendCommand ([in] ICommand *pCommand) |
This command sends an API command. | |
HRESULT | ChangeUserStatus ([in] TUserStatus newVal) |
This command changes the online status for the current user. | |
HRESULT | CreateChatWith ([in] BSTR Username,[out, retval] IChat **pVal) |
This command creates a chat with a single user. | |
HRESULT | CreateChatMultiple ([in] IUserCollection *pMembers,[out, retval] IChat **pChat) |
This command creates a chat with multiple users. | |
HRESULT | SendVoicemail ([in] BSTR Username,[out, retval] IVoicemail **pVoicemail) |
This command sends a voicemail to a specified user. | |
HRESULT | ClearChatHistory () |
This command clears chat history. | |
HRESULT | ClearVoicemailHistory () |
This command clears voicemail history. | |
HRESULT | ClearCallHistory ([in, defaultvalue("ALL")] BSTR Username,[in, defaultvalue(chsAllCalls)] TCallHistory type) |
This command clears call history. | |
HRESULT | ResetCache () |
This command deletes all cache entries. | |
HRESULT | CreateGroup ([in] BSTR GroupName,[out, retval] IGroup **pGroup) |
This command creates a contact group. | |
HRESULT | DeleteGroup ([in] LONG GroupId) |
This command deletes a contact group. Users in the contact group are moved to the All Contacts hardwired contact group. | |
HRESULT | EnableApiSecurityContext ([in] TApiSecurityContext Context) |
This command enables an API security context for Internet Explorer scripts. | |
HRESULT | CreateSms ([in] TSmsMessageType MessageType,[in] BSTR TargetNumbers,[out, retval] ISmsMessage **pMessage) |
This command creates an SmsMessage. | |
HRESULT | SendSms ([in] BSTR TargetNumbers,[in] BSTR MessageText,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR ReplyToNumber,[out, retval] ISmsMessage **pMessage) |
This command sends an SMS message. | |
HRESULT | AsyncSearchUsers ([in] BSTR Target,[out, retval] LONG *pCookie) |
This command can be used to search for Skype users. | |
HRESULT | FindChatUsingBlob ([in] BSTR Blob,[out, retval] IChat **pChat) |
Returns existing chat using given blob. | |
HRESULT | CreateChatUsingBlob ([in] BSTR Blob,[out, retval] IChat **pChat) |
Returns existing or joins a new chat using given blob. | |
Properties | |
LONG | Timeout [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the wait timeout value in milliseconds. | |
BSTR | Property ([in] BSTR ObjectType,[in] BSTR ObjectId,[in] BSTR PropName) [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the properties of an object. | |
BSTR | Variable ([in] BSTR Name) [get, set] |
This command queries/sets Skype general parameters. | |
BSTR | CurrentUserHandle [get] |
This command queries the Skype name of the current user. | |
TUserStatus | CurrentUserStatus [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the online status of the current user. | |
TConnectionStatus | ConnectionStatus [get] |
This command queries the connection status of the Skype client. | |
VARIANT_BOOL | Mute [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the mute status of the Skype client. | |
BSTR | Version [get] |
This command queries the application version of the Skype client. | |
VARIANT_BOOL | Privilege ([in] BSTR Name) [get] |
This command queries the Skype services (privileges) enabled for the Skype client. | |
IUser | CurrentUser [get] |
This command queries the current user object. | |
IConversion | Convert [get] |
This command queries the conversion object. | |
IUserCollection | Friends [get] |
This command queries the users in a contact list. | |
ICallCollection | Calls ([in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Target) [get] |
This command queries calls in call history. | |
ICallCollection | ActiveCalls [get] |
This command queries a list of active calls. | |
ICallCollection | MissedCalls [get] |
This command queries a list of missed calls. | |
IChatMessageCollection | Messages ([in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Target) [get] |
This command queries chat messages which were sent/received by the user. | |
IChatMessageCollection | MissedMessages [get] |
This command queries a list of missed chat messages. | |
TAttachmentStatus | AttachmentStatus [get] |
This command queries the attachment status of the Skype client. | |
LONG | Protocol [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the protocol version used by the Skype client. | |
IUser | User ([in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Username) [get] |
This command queries a user object. | |
IChatMessage | Message ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Id) [get] |
This command queries a chat message object. | |
ICall | Call ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Id) [get] |
This command queries a call object. | |
IChatCollection | Chats [get] |
This command queries a list of chats. | |
IChat | Chat ([in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Name) [get] |
This command queries a chat object. | |
IConference | Conference ([in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG Id) [get] |
This command queries a call conference object. | |
IConferenceCollection | Conferences [get] |
This command queries a list of call conferences. | |
BSTR | Profile ([in] BSTR Property) [get, set] |
This command queries/sets user profile properties. | |
IChatCollection | ActiveChats [get] |
This command queries a list of active chats. | |
IChatCollection | MissedChats [get] |
This command queries a list of missed chats. | |
IChatCollection | RecentChats [get] |
This command queries a list of recent chats. | |
IChatCollection | BookmarkedChats [get] |
This command queries a list of bookmarked chats. | |
IVoicemailCollection | Voicemails [get] |
This command queries a list of voicemails. | |
IUserCollection | UsersWaitingAuthorization [get] |
This command queries the list of users waiting for authorization. | |
VARIANT_BOOL | CommandId [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the status of automatic command identifiers. | |
IApplication | Application ([in] BSTR Name) [get] |
This command queries an application object. | |
IVoicemail | Greeting ([in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Username) [get] |
This command queries the greeting used as voicemail. | |
VARIANT_BOOL | Cache [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the status of internal cache. | |
IProfile | CurrentUserProfile [get] |
This command queries the user profile object. | |
IGroupCollection | Groups [get] |
This command queries the list of all contact groups. | |
IGroupCollection | CustomGroups [get] |
This command queries the list of custom contact groups. | |
IGroupCollection | HardwiredGroups [get] |
This command queries the list of hardwired contact groups. | |
ISettings | Settings [get] |
This command queries the settings for Skype general parameters. | |
IClient | Client [get] |
This command queries the user interface control object. | |
BSTR | FriendlyName [set] |
This command sets a "friendly" name for an application. | |
ICommand | Command ([in] LONG Id,[in] BSTR Command,[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Reply,[in, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL Block,[in, defaultvalue(30000)] LONG Timeout) [get] |
This command sets the properties of a command object. | |
IVoicemail | Voicemail ([in] LONG Id) [get] |
This command queries the voicemail object. | |
IVoicemailCollection | MissedVoicemails [get] |
This command requests a list of missed voicemails. | |
VARIANT_BOOL | ApiSecurityContextEnabled ([in] TApiSecurityContext Context) [get] |
This command queries if an API security context for Internet Explorer is enabled. | |
ISmsMessageCollection | Smss [get] |
This command requests a list of all SMS messages. | |
ISmsMessageCollection | MissedSmss [get] |
This command requests a list of all missed SMS messages. | |
BSTR | ApiWrapperVersion [get] |
This command returns API wrapper DLL version. | |
VARIANT_BOOL | SilentMode [get, set] |
This command returns/sets Skype silent mode status. | |
IFileTransferCollection | FileTransfers [get] |
Returns all file transfers. | |
IFileTransferCollection | ActiveFileTransfers [get] |
Returns currently active file transfers. | |
IUserCollection | FocusedContacts [get] |
Returns collection of selected contacts. | |
BSTR | PredictiveDialerCountry [get] |
Returns predictive dialer coutry code. |
Detailed Description
Skype is the default interface for the class.
Member Function Documentation
HRESULT AsyncSearchUsers | ( | [in] BSTR | Target, |
[out,retval] LONG * | pCookie | ||
) |
This command can be used to search for Skype users.
- Parameters:
[in] Target contains the person name or email address to be found. [out] pCookie receives search identifier.
HRESULT Attach | ( | [in, defaultvalue(5)] LONG | Protocol, |
[in, defaultvalue(-1)] VARIANT_BOOL | Wait | ||
) |
This command establishes a connection to Skype.
- Parameters:
[in] Protocol is an optional field where you can enter the Skype protocol version, with a default value of 5. [in] Wait is an optional Boolean value which indicates whether or not to wait for a response before establishing a connection.
HRESULT ChangeUserStatus | ( | [in] TUserStatus | newVal | ) |
This command changes the online status for the current user.
- Parameters:
[in] newVal contains the new online status for the user.
- Note:
- This function waits until the online status changes. Alternatively, use the ISkype::CurrentUserStatus property to perform an immediate change of status.
HRESULT ClearCallHistory | ( | [in, defaultvalue("ALL")] BSTR | Username, |
[in, defaultvalue(chsAllCalls)] TCallHistory | type | ||
) |
This command clears call history.
- Parameters:
[in] Username is the Skypename of the user. [in] type call type.
HRESULT CreateChatMultiple | ( | [in] IUserCollection * | pMembers, |
[out, retval] IChat ** | pVal | ||
) |
This command creates a chat with multiple users.
- Parameters:
[in] pMembers contains an interface pointer to the UserCollection object. [out] pVal receives the interface pointer for the Chat object.
- See also:
- ISkype::CreateChatWith, IChat::AddMembers
HRESULT CreateChatUsingBlob | ( | [in] BSTR | Blob, |
[out,retval] IChat ** | pChat | ||
) |
Returns existing or joins a new chat using given blob.
- Parameters:
[in] Blob contains unique string indentifying the chat. [out] pChat receives the interface pointer for the Chat object.
HRESULT CreateChatWith | ( | [in] BSTR | Username, |
[out, retval] IChat ** | pVal | ||
) |
This command creates a chat with a single user.
- Parameters:
[in] Username contains the Skypename of the user. [out] pVal receives the interface pointer for the Chat object.
- See also:
- ISkype::CreateChatMultiple, IChat::AddMembers
HRESULT CreateGroup | ( | [in] BSTR | GroupName, |
[out, retval] IGroup ** | pGroup | ||
) |
This command creates a contact group.
- Parameters:
[in] GroupName group name. [out] pGroup contains the interface pointer for the Group object.
HRESULT CreateSms | ( | [in] TSmsMessageType | MessageType, |
[in] BSTR | TargetNumbers, | ||
[out, retval] ISmsMessage ** | pMessage | ||
) |
This command creates an SmsMessage.
- Parameters:
[in] MessageType contains the message type. [in] TargetNumbers contains a comma-separated list of target SMS numbers. [out] pMessage receives the interface pointer for the SmsMessage object.
HRESULT DeleteGroup | ( | [in] LONG | GroupId | ) |
This command deletes a contact group. Users in the contact group are moved to the All Contacts hardwired contact group.
- Parameters:
[in] GroupId group identifier.
HRESULT EnableApiSecurityContext | ( | [in] TApiSecurityContext | Context | ) |
This command enables an API security context for Internet Explorer scripts.
- Parameters:
[in] Context combination of API security context values.
HRESULT FindChatUsingBlob | ( | [in] BSTR | Blob, |
[out,retval] IChat ** | pChat | ||
) |
Returns existing chat using given blob.
- Parameters:
[in] Blob contains unique string indentifying the chat. [out] pChat receives the interface pointer for the Chat object.
HRESULT PlaceCall | ( | [in] BSTR | Target, |
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR | Target2, | ||
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR | Target3, | ||
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR | Target4, | ||
[out, retval] ICall ** | pCall | ||
) |
This command places a call to a single user or creates a conference call.
- Parameters:
[in] Target call target to place a single user call. [in] Target2 is an optional field which can contain an additional participant for a conference call. [in] Target3 is an optional field which can contain an additional participant for a conference call. [in] Target4 is an optional field which can contain an additional participant for a conference call. [out] pCall receives the interface pointer for the Call object.
- Note:
- If multiple targets are specified, a conference call is created. The call target can be username, phone number, or speed dial code.
HRESULT ResetCache | ( | ) |
This command deletes all cache entries.
- See also:
- Refer to the Skype4COM Dev Notes for information about the API cache.
HRESULT SearchForUsers | ( | [in] BSTR | Target, |
[out, retval] IUserCollection ** | pVal | ||
) |
This command searches for users.
- Parameters:
[in] Target search target. [out] pVal receives the interface pointer for the UserCollection object.
HRESULT SendCommand | ( | [in] ICommand * | pCommand | ) |
This command sends an API command.
- Parameters:
[in] pCommand contains the interface pointer for the Command object.
HRESULT SendMessage | ( | [in] BSTR | Username, |
[in] BSTR | Text, | ||
[out, retval] IChatMessage ** | pMessage | ||
) |
This command sends a chat message.
- Parameters:
[in] Username user handle is the Skypename of the user. [in] Text message text. [out] pMessage receives the interface pointer for the ChatMessage object.
HRESULT SendSms | ( | [in] BSTR | TargetNumbers, |
[in] BSTR | MessageText, | ||
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR | ReplyToNumber, | ||
[out, retval] ISmsMessage ** | pMessage | ||
) |
This command sends an SMS message.
- Parameters:
[out] TargetNumbers contains a comma-separated list of target numbers. [out] MessageText contains text of the message to send. [out] ReplyToNumber contains the reply-to number. [out] pMessage receives the interface pointer for the SmsMessage object.
HRESULT SendVoicemail | ( | [in] BSTR | Username, |
[out, retval] IVoicemail ** | pVoicemail | ||
) |
This command sends a voicemail to a specified user.
- Parameters:
[in] Username contains the Skypename of the user [out] pVoicemail receives the interface pointer for the Voicemail object.
Property Documentation
HRESULT ApiSecurityContextEnabled [get] |
This command queries if an API security context for Internet Explorer is enabled.
- Parameters:
[in] Context is the TApiSecurityContext value.
HRESULT Application [get] |
This command queries an application object.
- Parameters:
[in] Name is the application name.
HRESULT Cache [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the status of internal cache.
The internal API cache is used to cache Skype object properties and global parameters.
HRESULT Call [get] |
This command queries a call object.
- Parameters:
[in] Id is an optional field for the call ID.
HRESULT Calls [get] |
This command queries calls in call history.
- Parameters:
[in] Target optional call target.
HRESULT Chat [get] |
This command queries a chat object.
- Parameters:
[in] Name is an optional field for the chat name.
HRESULT Command [get] |
This command sets the properties of a command object.
- Parameters:
[in] Id is the command ID. [in] Command is the command string. [in] Reply is the expected reply string. [in] Block is a blocking indicator. If set to True, ISkype::SendCommand method waits for a response from Skype API. [in] Timeout is the blocking timeout in milliseconds.
- See also:
- ISkype::SendCommand
HRESULT Conference [get] |
This command queries a call conference object.
- Parameters:
[in] Id is an optional field for the conference ID.
HRESULT CustomGroups [get] |
This command queries the list of custom contact groups.
Custom groups are contact groups defined by the user.
HRESULT Greeting [get] |
This command queries the greeting used as voicemail.
- Parameters:
[in] Username is an optional field containing the Skypename of the user.
HRESULT HardwiredGroups [get] |
This command queries the list of hardwired contact groups.
Hardwired groups are "smart" contact groups, defined by Skype, that cannot be removed.
HRESULT Message [get] |
This command queries a chat message object.
- Parameters:
[in] Id is an optional field for the message ID.
HRESULT Messages [get] |
This command queries chat messages which were sent/received by the user.
- Parameters:
[in] Target message sender.
HRESULT Mute [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the mute status of the Skype client.
- Note:
- This value can be set only when there is an active call.
HRESULT PredictiveDialerCountry [get] |
Returns predictive dialer coutry code.
- Parameters:
[out] pVal receives the country code.
HRESULT Privilege [get] |
This command queries the Skype services (privileges) enabled for the Skype client.
- Parameters:
[in] Name privilege name ("SKYPEOUT","SKYPEIN","VOICEMAIL").
HRESULT Profile [get, set] |
This command queries/sets user profile properties.
- Parameters:
HRESULT Property [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the properties of an object.
- Parameters:
[in] ObjectType object type ("USER","CALL","CHAT","CHATMESSAGE","VOICEMAIL"). [in] ObjectId object id. [in] PropName property name.
- Example:
HRESULT Timeout [get, set] |
This command queries/sets the wait timeout value in milliseconds.
This timeout value applies to every command sent to the Skype API. If a response is not received during the timeout period, an error is returned.
HRESULT User [get] |
This command queries a user object.
- Parameters:
[in] Username is an optional field for the Skypename of the user.
HRESULT Variable [get, set] |
HRESULT Voicemail [get] |
This command queries the voicemail object.
- Parameters:
[in] Id id the voicemail id.
The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
Copyright � 2006 Skype Limited. All rights reserved.