Skype4COM: IProfile Interface Reference


IProfile Interface Reference

Profile class default interface. More...

import "Skype4COM.idl";

List of all members.


BSTR FullName [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the full name in the current user profile.
BSTR Birthday [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the birthday in the current user profile.
TUserSex Sex [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the sex in the current user profile.
BSTR Languages [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the language code in the current user profile.
BSTR Country [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the ISO country code in the current user profile.
BSTR Province [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the province in the current user profile.
BSTR City [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the city in the current user profile.
BSTR PhoneHome [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the home phone number in the current user profile.
BSTR PhoneOffice [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the business phone number in the current user profile.
BSTR PhoneMobile [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the mobile phone number in the current user profile.
BSTR Homepage [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the homepage url in the current user profile.
BSTR About [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the "About" text in the current user profile.
BSTR MoodText [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the mood text in the current user profile.
LONG Timezone [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the timezone in the current user profile.
short CallNoAnswerTimeout [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the "call no answer timeout" in the current user profile.
VARIANT_BOOL CallApplyCF [get, set]
 This command queries/sets if call forwarding is set in the current user profile.
VARIANT_BOOL CallSendToVM [get, set]
 This command queries/sets whether calls will be sent to voicemail in the current user profile.
BSTR CallForwardRules [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the call forwarding rules in the current user profile.
LONG Balance [get]
 This command queries the balance in currency cents in the current user profile.
BSTR BalanceCurrency [get]
 This command queries the currency code in the current user profile.
BSTR BalanceToText [get]
 This command queries the balance amount with currency symbol in the current user profile.
BSTR IPCountry [get]
 This command queries the ISO country code by IP address.
BSTR ValidatedSmsNumbers [get]
 This command requests a list of validated SMS numbers.
BSTR RichMoodText [get, set]
 This property returns/sets rich mood text in logged in user profile.

Detailed Description

Profile class default interface.

Property Documentation

HRESULT CallNoAnswerTimeout [get, set]

This command queries/sets the "call no answer timeout" in the current user profile.

The call no answer timeout is the period of time a call will ring without being answered before it stops ringing.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:

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