Skype4COM: Class List


Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_ICallChannelManagerEventsCallChannelManager event source interface
_ISkypeEventsSkype event source interface
ApplicationThis class enables two applications sharing the same name to communicate over the Skype network
ApplicationStreamThis class manages application streams
ApplicationStreamCollectionThis class manages application stream collections
CallThis class manages calls and call properties
CallChannelThis class forms a logical connection between the ApplicationStream and Call objects
CallChannelCollectionContainer class for CallChannel objects
CallChannelManagerThis class manages Call data channels
CallChannelMessageThis class manages CallChannel messages
CallCollectionThis class manages Call collections
ChatThis class manages chats
ChatCollectionThis class manages Chat collections
ChatMemberThis class manages chat member
ChatMemberCollectionThis class manages chat member collections
ChatMessageThis class manages chat messages
ChatMessageCollectionThis class manages chat message collections
ClientThis class controls features related to the Skype user interface
CommandThis class manages Skype API command objects
ConferenceThis class manages conference calls
ConferenceCollectionThis class manages conference collections
ConversionThis class converts text to constant values and converts constant values to text
GroupThis class manages contact groups
GroupCollectionThis class manages collections of Group objects
IApplicationApplication class default interface
IApplicationStreamApplicationStream class default interface
IApplicationStreamCollectionApplicationStreamCollection class default interface
ICallCall class default interface
ICallChannelCallChannel class default interface
ICallChannelCollectionCallChannelCollection class default interface
ICallChannelManagerCallChannelManager class default interface
ICallChannelMessageCallChannelMessage class default interface
ICallCollectionCallCollection class default interface
IChatChat class default interface
IChatCollectionChatCollection class default interface
IChatMemberChatMember class default interface
IChatMemberCollectionChatMemberCollection class default interface
IChatMessageChatMessage class default interface
IChatMessageCollectionChatMessageCollection class default interface
IClientClient class default interface
ICommandCommand class default interface
IConferenceConference class default interface
IConferenceCollectionConferenceCollection class default interface
IConversionConversion class default interface
IFileTransferFile transfer object default interface
IFileTransferCollectionFile transfer collection class default interface
IGroupGroup class default interface
IGroupCollectionGroupCollection class default interface
IParticipantParticipant class default interface
IParticipantCollectionParticipantCollection class default interface
IPluginEventThis is the default interface for the PluginEvent class
IPluginMenuItemClass PluginMenuItem default interface
IProfileProfile class default interface
ISettingsSettings class default interface
ISkypeSkype is the default interface for the class
ISmsChunkSmsChunk is the default interface forthis class
ISmsChunkCollectionSmsChunkCollection is the default interface for this class
ISmsMessageSmsMessage is the default interface for this class
ISmsMessageCollectionSmsMessageCollection is the default interface for this class
ISmsTargetSmsTarget is the default interface for this class
ISmsTargetCollectionSmsTargetCollection is the default interface for this class
IUserUser class default interface. This interface enables you to read user properties
IUserCollectionUserCollection class default interface
IVoicemailVoicemail class default interface
IVoicemailCollectionVoicemailCollection class default interface
ParticipantThis class manages participants in a conference call
ParticipantCollectionThis class manages collections of participants in a conference call
PluginEventThis class manages plug-in event
PluginMenuItemPlugin menu item
ProfileThis class manages the user profile
SettingsThis class manages the Skype API general parameters
SkypeSkype API COM wrapper
SmsChunkSMS message chunk
SmsChunkCollectionCollection class for SmsChunk objects
SmsMessageSMS message
SmsMessageCollectionCollection class for SMS messages
SmsTargetSMS message target
SmsTargetCollectionCollection class for SMS targets
UserThis class manages user properties
UserCollectionUser collection
VoicemailThis class manages Skype voicemail
VoicemailCollectionVoicemail collection

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