This script demos how to create plugin menu items and events.
Copyright � 2004-2006 Skype Limited. Licensed under BSD license.
const pluginContextChat = 0 const pluginContextCall = 1 const pluginContextContact = 2 const pluginContextMyself = 3 const pluginContextTools = 4 const pluginContactTypeUndefined = -1 const pluginContactTypeAll = 0 const pluginContactTypeSkype = 1 const pluginContactTypeSkypeOut= 2 const pluginIconPath = "c:\temp\icon.png" Set oSkype = WScript.CreateObject("Skype4COM.Skype", "Skype_") Set oMenu1 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu1", pluginContextContact, ""&_ "Single Contact of Any Type", "Plugin that does cool stuff for single contact of any type", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeAll) Set oMenu2 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu2", pluginContextContact, ""&_ "Single Skype Contact", "Plugin that does cool stuff for single Skype contact", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeSkype, False) Set oMenu3 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu3", pluginContextContact, ""&_ "Multiple Skype Contacts", "Plugin that does cool stuff for multple contacts", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeSkype, True) Set oMenu4 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu4", pluginContextContact, ""&_ "Single SkypeOut Contact", "Plugin that does cool stuff for a single SkypeOut contact", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeSkypeOut, False) Set oMenu5 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu5", pluginContextContact, ""&_ "Multiple SkypeOut Contacts", "Plugin that does cool stuff for a one or more SkypeOut contacts", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeSkypeOut, True) Set oMenu6 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu6", pluginContextCall, ""&_ "Single Participant Call", "Plugin that does cool stuff in a call", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeUndefined, False) Set oMenu7 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu7", pluginContextCall, ""&_ "Multiple Participants Call", "Plugin that does cool stuff in a conference call", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeUndefined, True) Set oMenu8 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu8", pluginContextChat, ""&_ "Single Chat Member", "Plugin that does cool stuff for one-to-one chat", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeUndefined, False) Set oMenu9 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu9", pluginContextChat, ""&_ "Multiple Chat Members", "Plugin that does cool stuff in group chat", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeUndefined, True) Set oMenu10 = oSkype.Client.CreateMenuItem("menu10", pluginContextTools, ""&_ "Tools plugin", "Plugin that does cool stuff in tools menu", pluginIconPath, True, pluginContactTypeUndefined, False) Set oEvent = oSkype.Client.CreateEvent("event1","Plugin example is running","Click here to stop the example") Do While Not bEventClicked WScript.Sleep(1000) Loop oEvent.Delete oMenu1.Delete oMenu2.Delete oMenu3.Delete oMenu4.Delete oMenu5.Delete oMenu6.Delete oMenu7.Delete oMenu8.Delete oMenu9.Delete oMenu10.Delete Public Sub Skype_PluginEventClicked(ByVal aEvent) WScript.Echo ">Event "& aEvent.Id &" clicked." bEventClicked = True End Sub Public Sub Skype_PluginMenuItemClicked(ByRef aMenuItem, ByRef aUsers, ByVal aPluginContext, ByVal aContextId) WScript.Echo ">Menu item ["& aMenuItem.Id &"] context [" & pluginContextToText(aPluginContext) & "] id ["& aContextId &"] clicked." For Each oUser In aUsers WScript.Echo " User: "& oUser.FullName &" (" & oUser.Handle &")" Next End Sub Function pluginContextToText (context) Select Case context Case pluginContextChat pluginContextToText = "Chat" Case pluginContextCall pluginContextToText = "Call" Case pluginContextContact pluginContextToText = "Contact" Case pluginContextMyself pluginContextToText = "Myself" Case pluginContextTools pluginContextToText = "Tools" End Select End Function
Copyright � 2006 Skype Limited. All rights reserved.