Skype4COM: IUser Interface Reference


IUser Interface Reference

User class default interface. This interface enables you to read user properties. More...

import "Skype4COM.idl";

List of all members.


BSTR Handle [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the Skypename of the user.
BSTR FullName [get]
 This command queries the full name of the user.
DATE Birthday [get]
 This command queries the birthday of the user.
TUserSex Sex [get]
 This command queries the sex of the user.
BSTR Country [get]
 This command queries the country of the user.
BSTR Province [get]
 This command queries the province of the user.
BSTR City [get]
 This command queries the city of the user.
BSTR PhoneHome [get]
 This command queries the home telephone number of the user.
BSTR PhoneOffice [get]
 This command queries the office telephone number of the user.
BSTR PhoneMobile [get]
 This command queries the mobile phone number of the user.
BSTR Homepage [get]
 This command queries the homepage url of the user.
BSTR About [get]
 This command queries the about text for the user.
VARIANT_BOOL HasCallEquipment [get]
 This command queries if a user has call equipment. In the current implementation, this command always returns a value of true.
TBuddyStatus BuddyStatus [get, set]
 This command queries/sets user buddy status.
VARIANT_BOOL IsAuthorized [get, set]
 This command queries/sets user authorization status.
VARIANT_BOOL IsBlocked [get, set]
 This command queries/sets whether a user is blocked or not.
BSTR DisplayName [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the display name for a user.
TOnlineStatus OnlineStatus [get]
 This command queries the online status of a user.
DATE LastOnline [get]
 This command queries the time when a user was last online.
BSTR CountryCode [get]
 This command queries the ISO country code of a user.
BSTR ReceivedAuthRequest [get]
 This command queries the authorization request text of a user.
BSTR SpeedDial [get, set]
 This command queries/sets the speed dial code of a user.
VARIANT_BOOL CanLeaveVoicemail [get]
 This command queries if it is possible to send voicemail to a user.
BSTR MoodText [get]
 This command queries the mood text of a user.
BSTR Aliases [get]
 This command queries the alias text of a user.
LONG Timezone [get]
 This command queries the timezone of a user.
VARIANT_BOOL IsCallForwardActive [get]
 This command queries the call forwarding status of a user.
BSTR Language [get]
 This command queries the language of the user.
BSTR LanguageCode [get]
 This command queries the ISO language code of a user.
VARIANT_BOOL IsVideoCapable [get]
 This command queries if a user has video capability.
VARIANT_BOOL IsSkypeOutContact [get]
 This command queries whether a user is a SkypeOut contact.
LONG NumberOfAuthBuddies [get]
 This command queries the number of authenticated buddies of the contact.
BSTR RichMoodText [get]
 This property returns user rich mood text.
VARIANT_BOOL IsVoicemailCapable [get]
 This property returns user voicemail capability status.

Detailed Description

User class default interface. This interface enables you to read user properties.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:

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