Generic list inside editor window

Rotorz ReorderableList

Generic list inside editor window

Items from generic lists can be presented using custom item drawers. A custom item drawer is essentially a delegate which is called to draw each list item. The generic list adaptor can be subclassed instead if items of varying heights are needed (see Custom list adaptor).

Tip Tip

Consider using serialized properties instead if undo/redo support is needed.

using Rotorz.ReorderableList;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class GenericListWindow : EditorWindow {

    private List<string> _nameList;

    void OnEnable() {
        _nameList = new List<string>();

    void OnGUI() {
        ReorderableListGUI.ListField(_nameList, DrawListItem);

    string DrawListItem(Rect position, string value) {
        // Text fields do not like null values!
        if (value == null)
            value = "";
        return EditorGUI.TextField(position, value);

#pragma strict
import Rotorz.ReorderableList;
import System.Collections.Generic;

class GenericListWindow extends EditorWindow {

    var _nameList:List.<String>;

    function OnEnable() {
        _nameList = new List.<String>();

    function OnGUI() {
        ReorderableListGUI.ListField(_nameList, DrawListItem);

    function DrawListItem(position:Rect, value:String):String {
        // Text fields do not like null values!
        if (value == null)
            value = '';
        return EditorGUI.TextField(position, value);
