Detect changes within list field

Rotorz ReorderableList

Detect changes within list field

The reorderable list field watches for changes surrounding individual items allowing you to pinpoint the item which was actually modified. Any changes made outside of list item drawers are considered changes made by the list control itself.

The property GUI.changed is set to true if changes are made using the list control. If a list item drawer reports changes then the property ReorderableListGUI.indexOfChangedItem is set to the zero-based index of that item. A value of -1 indicates that changes were reported by the list control itself.

// Begin checking for changes to `GUI.changed`.


// Were any changes made to the state of `GUI.changed`?
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) {
    // Determine whether changes were made to a specific list item.
    if (ReorderableListGUI.IndexOfChangedItem != -1) {
        // We know the index of the item which was modified!
    else {
        // Changes were made outside of an item drawer.
        // for example, an item was added, removed, moved, etc.
// Begin checking for changes to `GUI.changed`.


// Were any changes made to the state of `GUI.changed`?
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) {
    // Determine whether changes were made to a specific list item.
    if (ReorderableListGUI.IndexOfChangedItem != -1) {
        // We know the index of the item which was modified!
    else {
        // Changes were made outside of an item drawer.
        // for example, an item was added, removed, moved, etc.