Customize appearance of list field

Rotorz ReorderableList

Customize appearance of list field

Style of list container, add button and remove buttons can be customized by providing custom styles. This example demonstrates a custom inspector with custom styles which are based upon the default styles.

Tip Tip

Another option is to subclass ReorderableListControl and initialise custom styles there instead. A subclass can override other behaviour such as providing custom context menu items.

using Rotorz.ReorderableList;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

class SomeBehaviourEditor : Editor {

    // Custom instance of reorderable list control.
    private ReorderableListControl _listControl;
    // Serialized property adaptor for wishlist.
    private SerializedListAdaptor _wishlistAdaptor;

    void OnEnable() {
        // Prepare custom styles as needed.
        var style = new GUIStyle(ReorderableListStyles.Container);
        style.normal.background = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/custom_container.png") as Texture2D;

        // Assign custom style to instance of list control.
        _listControl = new ReorderableListControl();
        _listControl.ContainerStyle = style;

        // Create adaptor for wishlist using serialized property.
        var wishlist = serializedObject.FindProperty("wishlist");
        _wishlistAdaptor = new SerializedListAdaptor(wishlist);

    public override void OnInspectorGUI() {

#pragma strict
import Rotorz.ReorderableList;

class SomeBehaviourEditor extends Editor {

    // Custom instance of reorderable list control.
    var _listControl:ReorderableListControl;
    // Serialized property adaptor for wishlist.
    var _wishlistAdaptor:SerializedListAdaptor;

    function OnEnable() {
        // Prepare custom styles as needed.
        var style = new GUIStyle(ReorderableListStyles.Container);
        style.normal.background = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath('Assets/custom_container.png') as Texture2D;

        // Assign custom style to instance of list control.
        _listControl = new ReorderableListControl();
        _listControl.ContainerStyle = style;

        // Create adaptor for wishlist using serialized property.
        var wishlist = serializedObject.FindProperty('wishlist');
        _wishlistAdaptor = new SerializedListAdaptor(wishlist);

    function OnInspectorGUI() {
