
Python 2.5 Pointers

Pointer instances are created by calling the pointer function on a ctypes type:

>>> from ctypes import *
>>> i = c_int(42)
>>> pi = pointer(i)

Pointer instances have a contents attribute which returns the object to which the pointer points, the i object above:

>>> pi.contents

Note that ctypes does not have OOR (original object return), it constructs a new, equivalent object each time you retrieve an attribute:

>>> pi.contents is i
>>> pi.contents is pi.contents

Assigning another c_int instance to the pointer's contents attribute would cause the pointer to point to the memory location where this is stored:

>>> i = c_int(99)
>>> pi.contents = i
>>> pi.contents

Pointer instances can also be indexed with integers:

>>> pi[0]

Assigning to an integer index changes the pointed to value:

>>> print i
>>> pi[0] = 22
>>> print i

It is also possible to use indexes different from 0, but you must know what you're doing, just as in C: You can access or change arbitrary memory locations. Generally you only use this feature if you receive a pointer from a C function, and you know that the pointer actually points to an array instead of a single item.

Behind the scenes, the pointer function does more than simply create pointer instances, it has to create pointer types first. This is done with the POINTER function, which accepts any ctypes type, and returns a new type:

>>> PI = POINTER(c_int)
>>> PI
<class 'ctypes.LP_c_long'>
>>> PI(42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: expected c_long instead of int
>>> PI(c_int(42))
<ctypes.LP_c_long object at 0x...>

Calling the pointer type without an argument creates a NULL pointer. NULL pointers have a False boolean value:

>>> null_ptr = POINTER(c_int)()
>>> print bool(null_ptr)

ctypes checks for NULL when dereferencing pointers (but dereferencing non-NULL pointers would crash Python):

>>> null_ptr[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: NULL pointer access

>>> null_ptr[0] = 1234
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: NULL pointer access

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