Finding shared libraries

Python 2.5 Finding shared libraries

When programming in a compiled language, shared libraries are accessed when compiling/linking a program, and when the program is run.

The purpose of the find_library function is to locate a library in a way similar to what the compiler does (on platforms with several versions of a shared library the most recent should be loaded), while the ctypes library loaders act like when a program is run, and call the runtime loader directly.

The ctypes.util module provides a function which can help to determine the library to load.

Try to find a library and return a pathname. name is the library name without any prefix like lib, suffix like .so, .dylib or version number (this is the form used for the posix linker option -l). If no library can be found, returns None.

The exact functionality is system dependend.

On Linux, find_library tries to run external programs (/sbin/ldconfig, gcc, and objdump) to find the library file. It returns the filename of the library file. Here are sone examples:

>>> from ctypes.util import find_library
>>> find_library("m")
>>> find_library("c")
>>> find_library("bz2")

On OS X, find_library tries several predefined naming schemes and paths to locate the library, and returns a full pathname if successfull:

>>> from ctypes.util import find_library
>>> find_library("c")
>>> find_library("m")
>>> find_library("bz2")
>>> find_library("AGL")

On Windows, find_library searches along the system search path, and returns the full pathname, but since there is no predefined naming scheme a call like find_library("c") will fail and return None.

If wrapping a shared library with ctypes, it may be better to determine the shared library name at development type, and hardcode that into the wrapper module instead of using find_library to locate the library at runtime.

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