Converted document


HandStrength Symbols

If a set is on board, “PairOnBoard” is also true; full houses do also count as sets and pairs, made flushes as flushdraws, etc. Therefore it is a strongly recommended to code made hands first (and strong made hands at the very beginning), then weaker holding with positive potential and weaker draws at the very last.
Name Meaning
HadOverpairOnFlop Our pocketpair is/was of higher rank than the highest ranked flop card
HadOverPairOnTurn Our pocketpair is/was of higher rank than the highest ranked turn card
HadPairOnFlop We had a pair on the flop
HadPairOnTurn We had a pair on the turn
HadSetOnFlop We had a Set on flop
HadSetOnTurn We had a Set on turn
HadTopPairOnFlop Have/had top pair on flop
HadTopPairOnTurn Have/had top pair on turn
HadTwoPairOnFlop We had two pair on the flop
HadSecondOverPairOnFlop We had 2nd over pair on flop
HadSecondOverPairOnTurn We had 2nd over pair on flop
HadSecondTopPairOnFlop We had 2nd top pair on flop
HaveSecondBestKicker There is only one card that is better than our current kicker
HaveSecondBestKickerOrBetter We have the best or second best kicker
HaveSecondBestOverPairOrBetter We have the second best overpair (KK) or a stronger hand
HaveSecondNutFlush We have the second best flush possible
HaveSecondNutFlushDraw We have the second best flush draw
HaveSecondNutStraight We have the second best straight possible
HaveSecondOverPair We have a hole pair which is between the highest board card and the 2nd highest card rank on board
HaveSecondTopPair We have the second highest pair
HaveSecondTopSet We have the second best set
HaveThirdBestKicker We have the third best kicker
HaveThirdBestKickerOrBetter We have the third best kicker or better
HaveThirdBestOverPairOrBetter We have the third best overpair (QQ) or a better hand
HaveThirdNutFlush We have the Third best flush
HaveThirdNutFlushDraw We have the Third best flushdraw
HaveThirdOverPair We have a hole pair which is between the 2nd highest board card and the 3rd highest card rank on board
HaveThirdTopPair we have the Third highest pair
HaveThirdTopSet We have the Third highest set
HaveFourthNutFlush We have the Fourth highest flush
HaveFourthNutFlushDraw We have the Fourth highest flushdraw
HaveFourthOverPair We have a hole pair which is between the 3rd highest board card and the 4tf highest card rank on board
HaveFourthTopPair We have the Fourth highest pair
HaveFourthTopSet We Have the Fourth highest set
HaveFifthNutFlush We have the Fifth highest flush
HaveFifthNutFlushDraw We have the Fifth highest flushdraw
HaveFifthOverPair We have a hole pair which is between the 4th highest board card and the 5th highest card rank on board
HaveFifthTopPair We have the Fifth pair
HaveBackdoorSecondNutFlushDraw We have the 2nd highest backdoor nut flush draw
HaveBackdoorThirdNutFlushDraw We have the Third highest backdoor nut flush draw
HaveBackdoorFlushDraw We have a flush, flushdraw or a backdoor flushdraw. Have BackdoorFlushdraw is only true, if
  • we contribute 2 cards
  • or we contribute 1 card to the nuts
  • or we contribute 1 card to the 2nd nuts
HaveBackdoorNutFlushDraw We have a backdoor nut flush draw
HaveBackdoorStraightDraw True, if we need 2 cards to complete a straight
HaveBestKicker We have the best kicker
HaveBestKickerOrBetter We have the best kickeBestOvr or a better hand
HaveBestOverPairOrBetter Have the best overpair (AA) or a better hand
HaveBottomPair We have a hole card that is paired with the lowest card on board
HaveBottomSet We have a set with the lowest board card
HaveBottomTrips We have a trips with the lowest board card
HaveBottomTwoPair We have bottom two pair
HaveDoubleGutshotDraw We have a double gut shot draw
HaveFlush We have a flush
HaveFlushDraw We have a flushdraw
HaveFullHouse We have a full house
HaveInsideNutStraightDraw True if the bot has an inside nut straight draw. An inside nut straight draw is defined as a hand with at least 4 ‘outs’ to a nut straight. Unlike NutStraightDraw, outs that make a flush possible are not excluded
HaveInsideStraightDraw We have an inside straight draw
HaveNothing We have nothing (no pair, overcards, flushdraw or straightdraw)
HaveNutFlush We have the nut flush
HaveNutFlushCard We have the nut flush card
HaveNutFlushDraw We have the nut flush draw
HaveNuts We have the best hand possible at this time
HaveNutStraight We have the best possible straight
HaveNutStraightDraw True, if we have a draw to the best straight; this means: if we hit, no better straight is possible. E.g.87 at a board of 653. A nut straight draw requires “at least 7 outs” according to Shankys definition. Therefore straight draws get discounted if there is a flush draw possible. Use HaveUnDiscountedNutStraightDraw if you don’t worry about possible flushes.
HaveNutStraightFlush We have the nut straight flush
HaveOpenEndedStraightDraw We have an open ended straight draw
HaveOverPair We have a pocketpair higher than any card on the board
HavePair We have a pair, a paired board doesen’t count
HavePocketPair We have a pocket-pair like AA or 55
HaveQuads We have quads
HaveRunnerRunnerFlushAtRiver We have Flush and we made it with Turn and River card
HaveSet We have a set, i.e. three of a kind with a pair in the hand
HaveStraight We have a straight
HaveStraightDraw We have a straightdraw
HaveStraightFlush We have a straight flush
HaveTopNonBoardPairedPair One of our hole cards is the same value as the highest non-paired card on board
HaveTopPair One of our hole cards is paired with the highest ranked card on the board
HaveTopSet True, if we have a set with the highest board card
HaveTopTwoPair The two highest cards on the board are paired with our hole cards
HaveTopTrips True if we have the best possible trips
HaveTrips We have trips, i.e. three of a kind with a pair on the board
HaveTwoPair We have two pair, pair on board does not count
HaveUnderPair We have a pocketpair lower than the lowest ranked card on board
HaveUnderStraight We have the lower part of a straight
HaveWeakBackdoorStraightDraw These symbolsdescribe hands that are so weak that we don’t consider them as regular holdings, e.g. the single-card idiot-end of a straight or a shared flush-draw at the board.
KingPresentOnFlop A king is present on the flop
NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind This symbol evaluates the strength of quads and full houses. Top quads are always rated as 1, bottom quads or best-full house as 2, next best hand as 3 and so on. This symbol does not take straight flushes into account. So it could return 1 even if our hand can be beaten by a straight flush.
Standard PPL returns 0 if we don’t have any quads / FH at all. However we think this is counterintuitive and causes problems, as a smaller number means a better hand. OpenPPL returns 999 for that case.
Overcards The number of hole cards that are overcards to the board
PairInHand True, if we have a pocketpair
SuitsInHand The number if unique suits in our hand
TopPairRank Rank of the hole card giving you Top Pair (2-14 where 14 is Ace)
SecondTopPairRank Rank of our second Top Pair
ThirdTopPairRank Rank of our third Top Pair
ForthTopPairRank Rank of our forth Top Pair
FifthTopPairRank Rank of our fifth Top Pair
TopPairKickerRank Rank of the hole kicker card when you have Top Pair (2-14 where 14 is Ace)
TripsRank Rank of our Trips
TripsKickerRank Rank of the kicker of our Trips