Images with annotations

Offline MediaWiki Code Editor

Assistant for Images with Annotations
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For other solutions to display images see: Images
An assistant to build and insert wikicode for images with superimposed annotations.
Annotated images are images with wikitext notes superimposed. These notes can also be links to other parts of the article or to other Wikipedia articles. It is not advisable to upload images with embedded annotations to Wikimedia Commons. Embedded annotations are less readable, especially when the images are resized.

The superimposition of annotations allows no only to keep those annotations more readable when the images are re-sized, but allows modify the annotations not affecting the image. It facilitate the internationalization of the article, because those annotations can be translated to any language. Do not forget that Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

The assistant lets you to include in your articles annotated images, although you do not know the wikitext sintax. This assistant is based on the template {{Annotated image 4}}, also know as {{AI4}} (see Template:{{Annotated image 4}}), which is the same template which allows to crop images (see the Assistant for Cropped images). But when you are using this template to produce annotated images you should also make use of the sub- template {{Annotations}} which has been designed to contain the coordinates of each annotation and its text format (see Template:{{Annotations}}).

Required data

The dimensions of the original file stored in Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons, are actually not required to build an annotated image, but the assistant asks for these data with the sole purpose of calculating the minimal dimensions of the containing box. So there are only four required data:

1.     Image name - Only image file name, not the entire address. Only for images stored in Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons. Both rasterized and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) images are allowed.

2.    Desired image width (image-width) - Width of the image to be displayed in the Wikipedia page. This width may be different from that of the original image.

3.    Width of the containing box (width) Total width  (px) of the frame containing the image and the annotations. It is usual to declare the same image width, but you can use a greater value if you need to display annotations that exceed the limits of the image.

4.    Height of the containing box (height) Total height (px) of the frame containing the image and the annotations. The minimum value is calculated automatically according to the aspect ratio of the image. But you can use a greater value to cover those annotations exceeding the limits of the image.

Optional data

The following data are not required to obtain an annotated image, but contribute to enrich the information and to improve the readability of the annotations.

Header - Adds a header text to the image. This header is centered and with a transparent background by default.

Caption - Adds a footnote to the image. After the generation or the wikicode , you can modify this text. Common modifications are: insertion of links, unbreakable spaces, special characters and changes in text format.

Alternative text - Alternative text for those readers who cannot see the image in their browsers.

Box background color - Background color of the box containing the image and the annotations. The default color is white, but this assistant offers a panel with other 10 shades. This parameter is of low importance, because this color can only be seen in the (less common) case when the the image is smaller than the containing box. 

Alignment - The images are aligned to the right by default, according to the Wikipedia style. But if you prefer you can align the image to the left or even center it. The alignment to center is recommended only for wide images, to avoid large blank spaces in the page.

The necessary data to enter for each annotation are:
·    Distance X - Distance (in px) from left side of the box to the annotation.
·    Distance Y - Distance (in px) from top side of the box to the annotation
·    Text of the annotation - Text of the annotation if it is not a link.
·    Text to display (if it is a link) - Text to be displayed instead of the link string.
·    Font size (px) -
·    Annotation background color - The default background color of the annotations is transparent, but the assistant offers a panel of 14 neutral shades, To use a background color for the annotations may be useful to improve legibility, especially when the image and the annotation do not contrast much.
·    Text color - If you choose a transparent background color for the annotations, the default text color will be black. But the assistant offers a panel of six different web colors to choose: Black, White, DarkRed, DarkGreen, Indigo and OrangeRed. This panel does not intentionally include blue neither red, because these colors are reserved for links Observe that when you select a non-transparent background color for the annotations, then the assistant automatically decides for you the most contrasting text color, without your intervention, to maximize legibility.

The {{AI4}} template admits a limit of 30 annotations per image. Take note of the coordinates of all annotations. For each annotation you must find its coordinates in relation to the top left corner of the box containing the image, and enter these coordinates in the assistant. In other words, you must find the distance (x) in pixels from the left side of the box (not the image) to the point of insertion of the annotation, and the distance (y) in pixels from the top side of the box (not the image) to the point of insertion of the annotation. Note that coordinates are not related to the image but to the containing box. Remember that you can define a containing box greater than the image if you need to cover those annotations exceeding the limits of the image.

How can you find the coordinates of an annotation?
1.    Using your favorite image editor (Microsoft ® Paint, for instance) create a frame with the same size of the containing box you want to display in the page. In most cases this box will have the same desired size of the image. If it is the case, then open the image in the editor and resize the image to the final desired size.
2.    With the help of the mouse find the coordinates x,y of the point of insertion of the every annotation. The mouse coordinates are usually displayed at the state bar of the image editor.

Annotations as links

If you want an annotation to be a link, click on Convert to a link an enter the text that should appear in the link. The valid links will appear in blue, while the orphan links will appear in red.  To prevent confusions to the readers, never use any of these two text colors in annotations.
Generate code and insert table

After you had entered all required and optional data, you are free to click on the <Generate code> button to generate wikitext code and display this code in the code window.

In the code window, you can make additional modifications, such as inserting links changing text format, adding unbreakable spaces, special characters and so forth, But you might better like to make those modifications after inserting the image in the Edit window

Once generated the wikicode, click on the button <Insert image> to insert the image in the Edit window

Limitations of the assistant

The assistant does not consider all parameters of the template, but a selection of them. If you want to use some other parameters see: Templates (Annotated image4). We do not guarantee that all parameters are functional. Templates of the repository are described as are in the Template space of Wikipedia, but we have not tried them all.

Warning to post-generated editions

If you edit manually the parameters X and Y in the generated code, you must be aware
that including spaces between the vertical bars will result in a parsing error which will make you sad. As an example, to specify 200 by 300 pixels here, you should only use |200|300| instead of | 200 | 300| or similar.

For the font size the assistant uses pixels, but if you modify manually the code you can also change to percent values. Ex. 90%

The assistant uses web color names, but if you modify manually the code you can also use hexadecimal color code. Ex: #32CD32 for green