Measure Grayscale Statistics

NI Vision for LabVIEW Basics

Measure Grayscale Statistics

You can measure grayscale statistics in images using light meters or quantitative analysis functions. You can obtain the center of energy for an image with the centroid function.

Use the IMAQ Light Meter (Point) VI to measure the light intensity at a point in the image. Use the IMAQ Light Meter (Line) VI to get the pixel value statistics along a line in the image: mean intensity, standard deviation, minimum intensity, and maximum intensity. Use the IMAQ Light Meter (Rectangle) VI to get the pixel value statistics within a rectangular region in an image.

Use the IMAQ Quantify VI to obtain the following statistics about the entire image or individual regions in the image: mean intensity, standard deviation, minimum intensity, maximum intensity, area, and the percentage of the image that you analyzed. You can specify regions in the image with a labeled image mask. A labeled image mask is a binary image that has been processed so that each region in the image mask has a unique intensity value. Use the IMAQ Label VI to label your image mask.

Use the IMAQ Centroid VI to compute the energy center of the image or of a region within an image.