Display Results

NI Vision for LabVIEW Basics

Display Results

You can overlay the results obtained at various stages of your inspection process on the inspection image. NI Vision attaches the information that you want to overlay to the image, but it does not modify the image. You also can group similiar types of overlay information together to allow multiple overlays to act as a single overlay. Overlays appear every time you display the image.

Use the following VIs to set or view the properties of image overlays.

Use the following VIs to overlay search regions, inspection results, and other information, such as text and bitmaps.

To use these VIs, pass in the image on which you want to overlay information and the information that you want to overlay.

Tip  You can select the color of the overlays using the previous VIs.

You can configure the following processing VIs to overlay different types of information about the inspection image:

The following list contains the kinds of information you can overlay on the previous VIs:

  • Search area input into the VI
  • Search lines used for edge detection
  • Edges detected along the search lines
  • Bounding rectangle of particles
  • Center of particles
  • Result of the VI

Select the information you want to overlay by enabling the corresponding Boolean control of the VI.

Use the IMAQ Clear Overlay VI to clear any previous overlay information from the image. Use the IMAQ Write Image and Vision Info File 2 instance of the IMAQ Write File 2 VI to save an image with its overlay information to a file. You can read the information from the file into an image using the IMAQ Read Image and Vision Info VI.

Note  Use the IMAQ Set Overlay Properties VI to specify the behavior of overlay information when the image size or orientation changes. By default, calibration and overlay information is removed from an image when the image size or orientation changes.