Attribute Value


Attribute Value

The attribute value represents the active value of an attribute in the driver and the camera. The following value types are supported. Enter a value type for the attribute. The value type must be compatible with the attribute type. Refer to the following table for a list of attribute value types. Use the Range property nodes to find the valid range for the current camera.

Value Type Description
U32 32-bit unsigned integer
F64 Double precision floating point
String String
EnumItem Name and value pair
Bool Boolean (true or false)

The following value types are compatible for any given attribute type.

Value Type Description
U32 U32, I64, F64, String
I64 U32, I64, F64, String
F64 U32, I64, F64, String
String String
Enum U32, I64, F64, String, EnumItem
Bool U32, I64, F64, String, Bool
Command U32, I64, F64, String, Bool

The bolded compatible value type indicates the native value type. For example, use a 32-bit unsigned integer value type when dealing with a 32-bit unsigned integer attribute type. Optionally, use a signed 64-bit integer, double precision floating point, or string when dealing with a 32-bit unsigned integer attribute type.