Advanced Example of Usage
The advanced feature described in this example is specific to Basler IEEE 1394 cameras. The advanced feature replaces the live video feed with a static test pattern.
According to the user documentation for the Basler A601f camera, the TEST_IMAGE register is located at advanced offset 0x0098. You can enable a static test pattern by setting bit 17 of the TEST_IMAGE register. To get the advanced base register, first read ADVANCED_FEATURE_INQ register (0x480). Add the specified offset to the base register—0xF0F00000 for most IEEE 1394 cameras.
0xF0F00000 + 0x480 = 0xF0F00480
Read the value into storage.
read register (0xF0F00480) = <advanced_feature_inq>
where <advanced_feature_inq> = 0x800000.
Now, calculate the offset to the advanced feature offset. You need to multiply the previous result by 4 to convert the quadlet offset value to byte offset.
(0xF0F00000 + ( <advanced feature offset> x 4) + 0x98) = newly calculated offset
byte swap (1 < < 17) = newly calculated register mask
write register (0xF2F00098, 0x00002000)
Now the camera is set to the test pattern.