Configuring Your Camera


Configuring Your Camera

Use National Instruments Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) to configure your camera. Refer to Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-IMAQdx for information about configuring your camera. You can access Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-IMAQdx from within MAX by selecting HelpĀ»Help TopicsĀ»NI-IMAQdx.

The camera configuration is saved in a camera file, which the NI-IMAQdx VIs and functions use to configure a camera and supported attributes.

Camera Session

To acquire images using the high-level or low-level functions, you first must open a camera session. A camera session is a Process-safe Handle to a camera.

The driver uses a camera session to identify the camera to which further NI-IMAQdx functions apply. You can simultaneously open as many camera sessions as there are cameras connected to your system.

Camera files

Camera files store all the configurable attributes. Camera files can be shared between identical cameras. Use MAX to configure the default state of a particular camera.