
NI-DAQmx C Functions


int32 DAQmxSwitchDisconnectAll (const char deviceName[], bool32 waitForSettling);


Terminates all active connections on the device, which places the relays into the topology reset state. You can use this function to terminate connections made by DAQmxSwitchConnect, DAQmxSwitchOpenRelays, or DAQmxSwitchCloseRelays. This function does not alter the settling time or channel usage settings. To reset those settings, use DAQmxResetDevice or DAQmxSwitchSetTopologyAndReset.

If you set waitForSettling to TRUE, this function returns only after terminating all connections. If you want to wait for settling between disconnections, use the DAQmxSwitchDisconnect function multiple times to terminate connections separately.


Name Type Description
deviceName const char [] The name of the device, as configured in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), to which this operation applies.
waitForSettling bool32 If TRUE, this function waits for the switches to settle before returning. If FALSE, the function returns immediately after the operation.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 The error code returned by the function in the event of an error or warning. A value of 0 indicates success. A positive value indicates a warning. A negative value indicates an error.