
NI-DAQmx C Functions


int32 DAQmxSetDigitalPowerUpStates (const char deviceName[], const char channelNames[], int32 state, ...);


Updates the state that digital physical channels on static DIO devices are set to when the device powers up or when the device is reset. Power-up states are stored in EEPROMs that you can write to only a limited number of times. Therefore, you should use this function as infrequently as possible. This function writes to the EEPROM only if a setting you request is different from the one currently stored on the EEPROM. This function writes power-up states in sequential order. Therefore, if a physical channel has multiple entries, the last entry is used.


Name Type Description
deviceName const char [] The name of the device, as configured in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), to which this operation applies.
channelNames const char [] The digital line or port to modify. You cannot set power-up states for dedicated digital input lines. You can specify a list or range of channels.
state int32 The power-up state to set for the channel(s) in channelNames.
Value Description
DAQmx_Val_High High logic
DAQmx_Val_Low Low logic
DAQmx_Val_Tristate High-impedance state. You can select this state only on devices with bidirectional ports, and you can select it only for entire ports. You cannot select this state for dedicated digital output lines.
moreChannelsAndStates any type (passed by value) Pairs of additional channels and the states to set the channels to when the device powers up or when the device is reset. You must pass NULL at the end of the argument list.
If you do not want to pass additional channels and states, the function call can be similar to the following example:
DAQmxSetDigitalPowerUpStates ("Dev1", "Dev1/do0", DAQmx_Val_High, NULL);
If you pass additional channels and states, the function call can be similar to the following example:
DAQmxSetDigitalPowerUpStates ("Dev1", "Dev1/do0", DAQmx_Val_High, "Dev1/do1", DAQmx_Val_Tristate, NULL);

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 The error code returned by the function in the event of an error or warning. A value of 0 indicates success. A positive value indicates a warning. A negative value indicates an error.