
NI-DAQmx C Functions


int32 DAQmxCreateAIRTDChan (TaskHandle taskHandle, const char physicalChannel[], const char nameToAssignToChannel[], float64 minVal, float64 maxVal, int32 units, int32 rtdType, int32 resistanceConfig, int32 currentExcitSource, float64 currentExcitVal, float64 r0);


Creates channel(s) that use an RTD to measure temperature and adds the channel(s) to the task you specify with taskHandle.


Name Type Description
taskHandle TaskHandle The task to which to add the channels that this function creates.
physicalChannel const char [] The names of the physical channels to use to create virtual channels. You can specify a list or range of physical channels.
nameToAssignToChannel const char [] The name(s) to assign to the created virtual channel(s). If you do not specify a name, NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name. If you specify your own names for nameToAssignToChannel, you must use the names when you refer to these channels in other NI-DAQmx functions.
If you create multiple virtual channels with one call to this function, you can specify a list of names separated by commas. If you provide fewer names than the number of virtual channels you create, NI-DAQmx automatically assigns names to the virtual channels.
minVal float64 The minimum value, in units, that you expect to measure.
maxVal float64 The maximum value, in units, that you expect to measure.
units int32 The units to use to return the measurement.
Name Description
DAQmx_Val_DegC degrees Celsius
DAQmx_Val_DegF degrees Fahrenheit
DAQmx_Val_Kelvins kelvins
DAQmx_Val_DegR degrees Rankine
rtdType int32 The type of RTD connected to the channel.
Value Description
DAQmx_Val_Pt3750 Pt3750
DAQmx_Val_Pt3851 Pt3851
DAQmx_Val_Pt3911 Pt3911
DAQmx_Val_Pt3916 Pt3916
DAQmx_Val_Pt3920 Pt3920
DAQmx_Val_Pt3928 Pt3928
DAQmx_Val_Custom You must specify the 'A', 'B', and 'C' constants for the Callendar-Van Dusen equation
resistanceConfig int32 The configuration for resistance measurements.
Value Description
DAQmx_Val_2Wire 2-wire mode.
DAQmx_Val_3Wire 3-wire mode.
DAQmx_Val_4Wire 4-wire mode.
currentExcitSource int32 The source of excitation.
Value Description
DAQmx_Val_Internal Use the built-in excitation source of the device. You must use currentExcitVal to specify the amount of excitation.
DAQmx_Val_External Use an excitation source other than the built-in excitation source of the device. You must use currentExcitVal to specify the amount of excitation.
DAQmx_Val_None Supply no excitation to the channel. You cannot use this value if the sensor requires excitation.
currentExcitVal float64 The amount of excitation, in amperes, that the sensor requires.
r0 float64 The sensor resistance in ohms at 0 deg C for the Callendar-Van Dusen equation Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 The error code returned by the function in the event of an error or warning. A value of 0 indicates success. A positive value indicates a warning. A negative value indicates an error.