Esta sección enumera algunos errores que los usuarios encuentran de manera frecuente cuando ejecutan programas MySQL. Aunque los problemas se muestran cuando intenta ejecutar programas cliente, las soluciones a muchos de los problems pasan por cambios en la configuración del servidor MySQL.
Un error de Acceso denegado
puede tener muchas causas.
Frecuentemente el problema está relacionado con las cuentas MySQL a las
que el servidor deja que se conecten los programas cliente. Consulte
Sección 5.6.8, “Causas de errores Access denied
”. Consulte Sección 5.6.2, “Cómo funciona el sistema de privilegios”.
Un cliente MySQL en Unix puede conectarse al servidor
mysqld de dos maneras diferentes: Utilizando un archivo
socket de Unix para conectarse a través de un archivo en el sistema de
ficheros (por defecto /tmp/mysql.sock
), o utilizando
TCP/IP, que se conecta a través de un número de puerto. Una conexión
a través de archivo socket de Unix es más rápida que a través de TCP/IP,
pero solo puede ser utilizada cuando se conecta a un servidor en la misma
máquina. Se utiliza un archivo de socket Unix siempre que no se especifique
un nombre de servidor o si se especifica el nombre de servidor especial
Si el servidor MySQL está ejecutándose en Windows 9x o Me, puede
conectarse únicamente a través de TCP/IP. Si el servidor se está ejecutando
sobre Windows NT, 2000, XP, o 2003 y ha sido iniciado con la opción
, puede también conectarse a través
de named pipes si el cliente se está ejecutando en la misma máquina que
el servidor. El nombre de la named pipe es por defecto
. Si no se especifica un nombre de servidor
al conectar a mysqld, un cliente MySQL intenta primero
conectarse a la named pipe. Si esto no funciona, se conecta al puerto
TCP/IP. Usted puede forzar la utilizaciónde named pipes en windows utilizando
como el nombre de servidor.
El error (2002) Can't connect to ...
significa que no hay un servidor MySQL ejecutándose en el sistema o
que usted está especificando un archivo de socket Unix o número de puerto TCP/IP
al intentar conectarse al servidor.
Comience por comprobar si hay un proceso llamado mysqld ejecutándose en el servidor. (Utilice ps xa | grep mysqld en Unix o el Administrador de tareas en Windows). Si no existe ese proceso, debería iniciar el servidor. Consulte Sección, “Arrancar y resolver problemas del servidor MySQL”.
Si hay un proceso mysqld ejecutándose, puede comprobarlo
ejecutando los siguientes comandos. El número de puerto o nombre del archivo
socket de Unix pueden ser diferentes en su configuración.
representa el número de IP de la máquina
donde se está ejecutando el servidor.represents the IP number of the
machine where the server is running.
shell> mysqladmin version shell> mysqladmin variables shell> mysqladmin -h `hostname` version variables shell> mysqladmin -h `hostname` --port=3306 version shell> mysqladmin -h host_ip version shell> mysqladmin --protocol=socket --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock version
Tenga en cuenta la utilización de acentos abiertos en vez de comillas en
el comando hostname
; esto provoca que la salida
de hostname
(es decir, el nombre de máquina actual)
sea sustituida en el comando mysqladmin. Si no tiene
ningún comando hostname
o está ejecutando sobre
Windows, puede escribir manualmente el nombre de su máquina (sin acentos
abiertos) tra la opción -h
. También puede intentarlo
con -h
para conectarse con TCP/IP a la máquina
Aquí hay algunas razones por las que el error
Can't connect to local MySQL server
podría ocurrir:
mysqld no se está ejecutando. Compruebe la lista de procesos de sus sistema operativo para asegurarse de que el proceso mysqld está presente.
Usted está ejecutando un sistema que utiliza hilos tipo MIT-pthreads. Si está ejecutando un sistema qeu no tiene hilos antivos, mysqld utiliza el paquete de MIT-pthreads package. Consulte Sección 2.1.1, “Sistemas operativos que MySQL soporta”. Aún así, no todas las versiones de MIT-pthreads soportan los archivos socket de Unix. En un sistema sin soporte para archivos socket, siempre debe especificar el nombre de máquina explícitamente cuando se conecte al servidor. Intente utilizar este comando para comprobar la conexión con el servidor:
shell> mysqladmin -h `hostname` version
Alguien ha borrado el archivo socket de Unix que mysqld utiliza (
por defecto). Por ejemplo, usted podría tener un trabajo de cron que elimine los archivos antiguos del directorio/tmp
. Siempre puede ejecutar mysqladmin version para comprobar si el archivo socket de Unix que to check whether the Unix socket file that mysqladmin está intentando utilizar existe realmente. La solución en este caso es cambiar el trabajo de cron para que no eliminemysql.sock
o colocar el archivo socket en algún otro lugar. Consulte Sección A.4.5, “Cómo proteger o cambiar el fichero socket de MySQL/tmp/mysql.sock
”. -
Usted ha iniciado el servidor mysqld con la opción
, pero ha olvidado decirle al programa cliente el nuevo nombre del archivo socket. Si cambia la ruta del socket en el servidor, también tiene que notificárselo a los programas cliente. Puede hacer esto proporcionándole al cliente la misma opción--socket
al ejecutarlo. También debe asegurarse de que los programas cliente tienen permiso para acceder al archivomysql.sock
. Para averiguar donde está almacenado el archivo, puede hacer:shell> netstat -ln | grep mysql
Consulte Sección A.4.5, “Cómo proteger o cambiar el fichero socket de MySQL
”. -
Usted está ejecutando Linux y un hilo del servidor ha muerto (volcado de memoria). En este caso, usted debe matar el resto de hilos de mysqld (por ejemplo, con
o con el scriptmysql_zap
) antes de que pueda reiniciar el servidor MySQL. Consulte Sección A.4.2, “Qué hacer si MySQL sigue fallando (crashing)”. -
El servidor o el programa cliente podrían no tener los privilegios de acceso adecuados para el directorio que almacena el archivo socket de Unix, o para el archivo mismo. En este caso, usted debe cambiar los privilegios del directorio o los del archivo mismo para que el servidor y los clientes puedan acceder a ellos, o reiniciar mysqld con una opción
que especifique un nombre de archivo de socket en un directorio donde el servidor pueda crearlo y los programas cliente puedan acceder a él.
Si usted obtiene el mensaje de error Can't connect to MySQL
server on some_host
, puede intentar los siguientes procedimientos
para averiguar cual es el problema:
Compruebe si el servidor se está ejecutando en esa máquina mediante la ejecución de
telnet some_host 3306
y presionando la tecla Enter unas cuantas veces. (3306 es el puerto por defecto de MySQL. Cambie el valor si su servidor está escuchando en un puerto diferente.) Si hay un servidor MySQL ejecutándose y escuchando al puerto, debería obtener una respuesta que incluyera el número de versión del servidor. Si obtiene un error comotelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
, entonces no hay ningún servidor ejecutándose en el puerto dado. -
Si el servidor está ejecutándose en la máquina local, intente utilizar mysqladmin -h localhost variables para conectar utilizando el archivo socket de Unix. Colmpruebe el número de puerto TCP/IP al que el servidor está configurado para escuchar (es el valor de la variable
.) -
Asegúrese de que su servidor mysqld no fue iniciado utilizando la opción
. Si lo fue no puede conectarse a él utilizando TCP/IP. -
Compruebe que no hay un cortafuegos bloqueando el acceso a MySQL. Aplicaciones como ZoneAlarm o el cortafuegos personal de Windows XP podría necesitar ser configurados para permitir el acceso externo a un servidor MySQL.
Las versiones de MySQL número 4.1 y superiores utilizan un protocolo de autentificación basado en un algoritmo de hash de la clave que es incompatible con el que se utiliza en los clientes anteriores. Si actualiza su servidor a 4.1, los intentos de conectarse a él desde un cliente más viejo pueden fallar con el siguiente mensaje:
shell> mysql Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client
Para resolver este problema, debería utilizar alguno de los siguientes métodos:
Actualizar todos los programas clientes para que utilicen la librería de cliente 4.1.1 o posterior.
Cuando se conecte al servidor con un programa cliente anterior al 4.1, utilice una cuenta que todavía mantenga una clave al estilo pre-4.1.
Reestablezca la clave al estilo pre-4.1 para cada usuario que necesite utilizar un programa cliente anterior a la versión 4.1. Esto puede hacerse utilizando la sentencia
y la funciónOLD_PASSWORD()
:mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR -> '
' = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd
');Una alternativa es utilizar
:mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('
') -> WHERE Host = 'some_host
' AND User = 'some_user
'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;Sustituya la clave que quiera utilizar por “
” en los ejemplos precedentes. MySQL no puede retornar la clave original, así que es necesario introducir una clave nueva. -
Indique al servidor que utilice el algoritmo de hashing de claves antiguo:
Inicie mysqld con la opción
. -
Asigne una clave con formato antiguo a cada cuenta que tenga su clave actualizada al formato más largo de la versión 4.1. Puede identificar estas cuentas con la siguiente consulta:
mysql> SELECT Host, User, Password FROM mysql.user -> WHERE LENGTH(Password) > 16;
Para cada registro de cuentas que se muestre en la consulta, utilice los valores de
y asigne una clave utilizando la funciónOLD_PASSWORD()
, tal como se ha explicado previamente.
Nota: En PHP, la extensión
no soporta el nuevo protocolo de autentificación
en MySQL 4.1.1 y superior. Esto es así independientemente de la versión de PHP
utilizada. Si desea poder utilizar la extensión mysql
con MySQL 4.1 seguir alguna de las indicaciones explicadas arriba para
configurar MySQL con clientes antiguos. La extensión mysqli
(que significa "MySQL mejorado" - "MySQL Improved"; nueva en PHP 5)
es compatible con el nuevo algoritmo de hashing mejorado
empleado en MySQL 4.1 y superiores, y sin ninguna configuración especial
necesaria que deba hacerse para utilizar esta nueva librería cliente de MySQL
para PHP. Para más información sobre la extensión mysqli
For additional background on password hashing and authentication, see Sección 5.6.9, “Hashing de contraseñas en MySQL 4.1”.
MySQL client programs prompt for a password when invoked with a
or -p
that has no following password value:
shell> mysql -u user_name
Enter password:
On some systems, you may find that your password works when
specified in an option file or on the command line, but not when
you enter it interactively at the Enter
prompt. This occurs when the library
provided by the system to read passwords limits password values
to a small number of characters (typically eight). That is a
problem with the system library, not with MySQL. To work around
it, change your MySQL password to a value that is eight or fewer
characters long, or put your password in an option file.
If you get the following error, it means that
mysqld has received many connect requests
from the host
' that
have been interrupted in the middle:
Host 'host_name
' is blocked because of many connection errors.
Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
The number of interrupted connect requests allowed is determined
by the value of the max_connect_errors
variable. After max_connect_errors
requests, mysqld assumes that something is
wrong (for example, that someone is trying to break in), and
blocks the host from further connections until you execute a
mysqladmin flush-hosts command or issue a
statement. See
Sección 5.3.3, “Variables de sistema del servidor”.
By default, mysqld blocks a host after 10 connection errors. You can adjust the value by starting the server like this:
shell> mysqld_safe --max_connect_errors=10000 &
If you get this error message for a given host, you should first
verify that there isn't anything wrong with TCP/IP connections
from that host. If you are having network problems, it does you
no good to increase the value of the
If you get a Too many connections
error when
you try to connect to the mysqld server, this
means that all available connections are in use by other
The number of connections allowed is controlled by the
system variable. Its default
value is 100. If you need to support more connections, you
should restart mysqld with a larger value for
this variable.
mysqld actually allows
clients to connect. The
extra connection is reserved for use by accounts that have the
privilege. By granting the
privilege to administrators and not to
normal users (who should not need it), an administrator can
connect to the server and use SHOW
to diagnose problems even if the maximum
number of unprivileged clients are connected. See
Sección, “Sintaxis de SHOW PROCESSLIST
The maximum number of connections MySQL can support depends on the quality of the thread library on a given platform. Linux or Solaris should be able to support 500-1000 simultaneous connections, depending on how much RAM you have and what your clients are doing. Static Linux binaries provided by MySQL AB can support up to 4000 connections.
If you issue a query using the mysql client program and receive an error like the following one, it means that mysql does not have enough memory to store the entire query result:
mysql: Out of memory at line 42, 'malloc.c' mysql: needed 8136 byte (8k), memory in use: 12481367 bytes (12189k) ERROR 2008: MySQL client ran out of memory
To remedy the problem, first check whether your query is
correct. Is it reasonable that it should return so many rows? If
not, correct the query and try again. Otherwise, you can invoke
mysql with the --quick
option. This causes it to use the
C API function to retrieve
the result set, which places less of a load on the client (but
more on the server).
This section also covers the related Lost connection to
server during query
The most common reason for the MySQL server has gone
error is that the server timed out and closed the
connection. In this case, you normally get one of the following
error codes (which one you get is operating system-dependent):
Error Code | Description |
The client couldn't send a question to the server. |
The client didn't get an error when writing to the server, but it didn't get a full answer (or any answer) to the question. |
By default, the server closes the connection after eight hours
if nothing has happened. You can change the time limit by
setting the wait_timeout
variable when you
start mysqld. See
Sección 5.3.3, “Variables de sistema del servidor”.
If you have a script, you just have to issue the query again for
the client to do an automatic reconnection. This assumes that
you have automatic reconnection in the client enabled (which is
the default for the mysql
Some other common reasons for the MySQL server has gone
error are:
You (or the db administrator) has killed the running thread with a
statement or a mysqladmin kill command. -
You tried to run a query after closing the connection to the server. This indicates a logic error in the application that should be corrected.
You got a timeout from the TCP/IP connection on the client side. This may happens if you have been using the commands:
mysql_options(..., MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT,...)
ormysql_options(..., MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT,...)
. In this case increasing the timeout may help solve the problem. -
You have encountered a timeout on the server side and the automatic reconnection in the client is disabled (the
flag in theMYSQL
structure is equal to 0). -
You are using a windows client and the server had dropped the connection (probably because
expired) before the command was issued.The problem on windows is that in some cases MySQL doesn't get an error from the OS when writing to the TCP/IP connection to the server, but instead gets the error when trying to read the answer from connection.
In this case, even if the
flag in theMYSQL
structure is equal to 1, MySQL does not automatically reconnect and re-issue the query as it doesn't know if the server did get the original query or not.The solution to this is to either do a
on the connection if there has been a long time since the last query (this is whatMyODBC
does) or setwait_timeout
on the mysqld server so high that it in practice never times out. -
You can also get these errors if you send a query to the server that is incorrect or too large. If mysqld receives a packet that is too large or out of order, it assumes that something has gone wrong with the client and closes the connection. If you need big queries (for example, if you are working with big
columns), you can increase the query limit by setting the server'smax_allowed_packet
variable, which has a default value of 1MB. You may also need to increase the maximum packet size on the client end. More information on setting the packet size is given in Sección A.2.9, “Packet too large
”. -
You also get a lost connection if you are sending a packet 16MB or larger if your client is older than 4.0.8 and your server is 4.0.8 and above, or the other way around.
You may also see the
MySQL server has gone away
error if MySQL is started with the--skip-networking
option. -
You have encountered a bug where the server died while executing the query.
You can check whether the MySQL server died and restarted by executing mysqladmin version and examining the server's uptime. If the client connection was broken because mysqld crashed and restarted, you should concentrate on finding the reason for the crash. Start by checking whether issuing the query again kills the server again. See Sección A.4.2, “Qué hacer si MySQL sigue fallando (crashing)”.
You can get more information about the lost connections by
starting mysqld with the --log-warnings=2
option. This logs some of the disconnected errors in the
file. See
Sección 5.10.1, “El registro de errroes (Error Log)”.
If you want to create a bug report regarding this problem, be sure that you include the following information:
Indicate whether or not the MySQL server died. You can find information about this in the server error log. See Sección A.4.2, “Qué hacer si MySQL sigue fallando (crashing)”.
If a specific query kills mysqld and the tables involved were checked with
before you ran the query, can you provide a reproducible test case? See Sección D.1.6, “Crear un caso de prueba tras haber encontrado una tabla corrupta”. -
What is the value of the
system variable in the MySQL server? (mysqladmin variables gives you the value of this variable.) -
Have you tried to run mysqld with the
option to determine whether the problem query appears in the log?
See also See Sección A.2.10, “Errores de comunicación y conexiones abortadas”.
A communication packet is a single SQL statement sent to the MySQL server or a single row that is sent to the client.
In MySQL 3.23, the largest possible packet is 16MB, due to limits in the client/server protocol. In MySQL 4.0.1 and up, the limit is 1GB.
When a MySQL client or the mysqld server
receives a packet bigger than
bytes, it issues a
Packet too large
error and closes the
connection. With some clients, you may also get a Lost
connection to MySQL server during query
error if the
communication packet is too large.
Both the client and the server have their own
variable, so if you want
to handle big packets, you must increase this variable both in
the client and in the server.
If you are using the mysql client program,
its default max_allowed_packet
variable is
16MB. That is also the maximum value before MySQL 4.0. To set a
larger value from 4.0 on, start mysql like
mysql> mysql --max_allowed_packet=32M
That sets the packet size to 32MB.
The server's default max_allowed_packet
is 1MB. You can increase this if the server needs to handle big
queries (for example, if you are working with big
columns). For example, to set the
variable to 16MB, start the server like this:
mysql> mysqld --max_allowed_packet=16M
Before MySQL 4.0, use this syntax instead:
mysql> mysqld --set-variable=max_allowed_packet=16M
You can also use an option file to set
. For example, to set the
size for the server to 16MB, add the following lines in an
option file:
[mysqld] max_allowed_packet=16M
Before MySQL 4.0, use this syntax instead:
[mysqld] set-variable = max_allowed_packet=16M
It's safe to increase the value of this variable because the extra memory is allocated only when needed. For example, mysqld allocates more memory only when you issue a long query or when mysqld must return a large result row. The small default value of the variable is a precaution to catch incorrect packets between the client and server and also to ensure that you don't run out of memory by using large packets accidentally.
You can also get strange problems with large packets if you are
using large BLOB
values but have not given
mysqld access to enough memory to handle the
query. If you suspect this is the case, try adding
ulimit -d 256000 to the beginning of the
mysqld_safe script and restarting
The server error log can be a useful source of information about
connection problems. See Sección 5.10.1, “El registro de errroes (Error Log)”. Starting
with MySQL 3.23.40, if you start the server with the
option (or
from MySQL 4.0.3 on), you
might find messages like this in your error log:
010301 14:38:23 Aborted connection 854 to db: 'users' user: 'josh'
If Aborted connections
messages appear in the
error log, the cause can be any of the following:
The client program did not call
before exiting. -
The client had been sleeping more than
seconds without issuing any requests to the server. See Sección 5.3.3, “Variables de sistema del servidor”. -
The client program ended abruptly in the middle of a data transfer.
When any of these things happen, the server increments the
status variable.
The server increments the Aborted_connects
status variable when the following things happen:
A client doesn't have privileges to connect to a database.
A client uses an incorrect password.
A connection packet doesn't contain the right information.
It takes more than
seconds to get a connect packet. See Sección 5.3.3, “Variables de sistema del servidor”.
If these kinds of things happen, it might indicate that someone is trying to break into your server!
Other reasons for problems with aborted clients or aborted connections:
Use of Ethernet protocol with Linux, both half and full duplex. Many Linux Ethernet drivers have this bug. You should test for this bug by transferring a huge file via FTP between the client and server machines. If a transfer goes in burst-pause-burst-pause mode, you are experiencing a Linux duplex syndrome. The only solution is switching the duplex mode for both your network card and hub/switch to either full duplex or to half duplex and testing the results to determine the best setting.
Some problem with the thread library that causes interrupts on reads.
Badly configured TCP/IP.
Faulty Ethernets, hubs, switches, cables, and so forth. This can be diagnosed properly only by replacing hardware.
variable value is too small or queries require more memory than you have allocated for mysqld. See Sección A.2.9, “Packet too large
See also See Sección A.2.8, “MySQL server has gone away
There are several ways a full-table error can occur:
You are using a MySQL server older than 3.23 and an in-memory temporary table becomes larger than
bytes. To avoid this problem, you can use the-O tmp_table_size=#
option to make mysqld increase the temporary table size or use the SQL optionSQL_BIG_TABLES
before you issue the problematic query. See Sección 13.5.3, “Sintaxis deSET
”.You can also start mysqld with the
option. This is exactly the same as usingSQL_BIG_TABLES
for all queries.As of MySQL 3.23, this problem should not occur. If an in-memory temporary table becomes larger than
, the server automatically converts it to a disk-basedMyISAM
table. -
You are using
tables and run out of room in theInnoDB
tablespace. In this case, the solution is to extend theInnoDB
tablespace. See Sección 15.7, “Añadir y suprimir registros y ficheros de datosInnoDB
”. -
You are using
tables on an operating system that supports files only up to 2GB in size and you have hit this limit for the data file or index file. -
You are using a
table and the space required for the table exceeds what is allowed by the internal pointer size. If you don't specify theMAX_ROWS
table option when you create a table, MySQL uses themyisam_data_pointer_size
system variable. From MySQL 5.0.6 on, the default value is 6 bytes, which is enough to allow 65,536TB of data. Before MySQL 5.0.6, the default value is 4 bytes, which is enough to allow only 4GB of data. See Sección 5.3.3, “Variables de sistema del servidor”.You can check the maximum data/index sizes by using this statement:
';You also can use myisamchk -dv /path/to/table-index-file.
If the pointer size is too small, you can fix the problem by using
MAX_ROWS=1000000000 AVG_ROW_LENGTH=nnn
;You have to specify
only for tables withBLOB
columns; in this case, MySQL can't optimize the space required based only on the number of rows.
If you get an error of the following type for some queries, it means that MySQL cannot create a temporary file for the result set in the temporary directory:
Can't create/write to file '\\sqla3fe_0.ism'.
The preceding error is a typical message for Windows; the Unix message is similar.
One fix is to start mysqld with the
option or to add the option to the
section of your option file. For
example, to specify a directory of C:\temp
use these lines:
[mysqld] tmpdir=C:/temp
The C:\temp
directory must exist and have
sufficient space for the MySQL server to write to. See
Sección 4.3.2, “Usar ficheros de opciones”.
Another cause of this error can be permissions issues. Make sure
that the MySQL server can write to the tmpdir
Check also the error code that you get with perror. One reason the server cannot write to a table is that the filesystem is full:
shell> perror 28 Error code 28: No space left on device
If you get Commands out of sync; you can't run this
command now
in your client code, you are calling
client functions in the wrong order.
This can happen, for example, if you are using
and try to execute a new
query before you have called
. It can also happen if
you try to execute two queries that return data without calling
in between.
If you get the following error, it means that when
mysqld was started or when it reloaded the
grant tables, it found an account in the user
table that had an invalid password.
Found wrong password for user
ignoring user
As a result, the account is simply ignored by the permission system.
The following list indicates possible causes of and fixes for this problem:
You may be running a new version of mysqld with an old
table. You can check this by executing mysqlshow mysql user to see whether thePassword
column is shorter than 16 characters. If so, you can correct this condition by running thescripts/add_long_password
script. -
The account has an old password (eight characters long) and you didn't start mysqld with the
option. Update the account in theuser
table to have a new password or restart mysqld with the--old-protocol
option. -
You have specified a password in the
table without using thePASSWORD()
function. Use mysql to update the account in theuser
table with a new password, making sure to use thePASSWORD()
function:mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('
') -> WHERE User='some_user
' AND Host='some_host
If you get either of the following errors, it usually means that no table exists in the current database with the given name:
Table 'tbl_name
' doesn't exist Can't find file: 'tbl_name
' (errno: 2)
In some cases, it may be that the table does exist but that you are referring to it incorrectly:
Because MySQL uses directories and files to store databases and tables, database and table names are case sensitive if they are located on a filesystem that has case-sensitive filenames.
Even for filesystems that are not case sensitive, such as on Windows, all references to a given table within a query must use the same lettercase.
You can check which tables are in the current database with
. See Sección 13.5.4, “Sintaxis de SHOW
You might see an error like this if you have character set problems:
MySQL Connection Failed: Can't initialize character set charset_name
This error can have any of the following causes:
The character set is a multi-byte character set and you have no support for the character set in the client. In this case, you need to recompile the client by running configure with the
option. See Sección 2.8.2, “Opciones típicas de configure”.All standard MySQL binaries are compiled with
, which enables support for all multi-byte character sets. See Sección 5.9.1, “El conjunto de caracteres utilizado para datos y ordenación”. -
The character set is a simple character set that is not compiled into mysqld, and the character set definition files are not in the place where the client expects to find them.
In this case, you need to use one of the following methods to solve the problem:
Recompile the client with support for the character set. See Sección 2.8.2, “Opciones típicas de configure”.
Specify to the client the directory where the character set definition files are located. For many clients, you can do this with the
option. -
Copy the character definition files to the path where the client expects them to be.
If you get ERROR '...' not found (errno: 23)
Can't open file: ... (errno: 24)
, or any
other error with errno 23
or errno
from MySQL, it means that you haven't allocated
enough file descriptors for the MySQL server. You can use the
perror utility to get a description of what
the error number means:
shell> perror 23 Error code 23: File table overflow shell> perror 24 Error code 24: Too many open files shell> perror 11 Error code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
The problem here is that mysqld is trying to keep open too many files simultaneously. You can either tell mysqld not to open so many files at once or increase the number of file descriptors available to mysqld.
To tell mysqld to keep open fewer files at a
time, you can make the table cache smaller by reducing the value
of the table_cache
system variable (the
default value is 64). Reducing the value of
also reduces the number of
open files (the default value is 100).
To change the number of file descriptors available to
mysqld, you can use the
option to
mysqld_safe or (as of MySQL 3.23.30) set the
system variable. See
Sección 5.3.3, “Variables de sistema del servidor”. The easiest way to
set these values is to add an option to your option file. See
Sección 4.3.2, “Usar ficheros de opciones”. If you have an old version of
mysqld that doesn't support setting the open
files limit, you can edit the mysqld_safe
script. There is a commented-out line ulimit -n
256 in the script. You can remove the
' character to uncomment this line, and
change the number 256
to set the number of
file descriptors to be made available to
ulimit can increase the number of file
descriptors, but only up to the limit imposed by the operating
system. There is also a “hard” limit that can be
overridden only if you start mysqld_safe or
mysqld as root
remember that you also need to start the server with the
option in this case so that it does
not continue to run as root
after it starts
up). If you need to increase the operating system limit on the
number of file descriptors available to each process, consult
the documentation for your system.
Note: If you run the tcsh shell, ulimit does not work! tcsh also reports incorrect values when you ask for the current limits. In this case, you should start mysqld_safe using sh.