_ _BADRAM - Identify Unimplemented RAM

MPASM Assembler

_ _BADRAM - Identify Unimplemented RAM

Note: badram is preceded by two underline characters, with no space in between these characters. A space is added here for readibility only.


_ _badram <expr>[-<expr>][, <expr>[-<expr>]]


The _ _maxram and _ _badram directives together flag accesses to unimplemented registers. _ _badram defines the locations of invalid RAM addresses. This directive is designed for use with the _ _maxram directive. A _ _maxram directive must proceed any _ _badram directive. Each <expr> must be less than or equal to the value specified by _ _maxram. Once the _ _maxram directive is used, strict RAM address checking is enabled, using the RAM map specified by _ _badram. To specify a range of invalid locations, use the syntax <minloc> - <maxloc>.


See the example for _ _maxram.

See Also


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