MPASM Assembler


Directives highlighted in this example are:

  • macro
  • endm
  • Program Functional Description

    This code demonstrates the utility of macro directive, which is used to define a macro.

    Commented Code Listing

    list p=16f877 ;Select the device.

    #include <> ;Include standard header file

    ;for the selected device.

    result equ 20 ;Assign value 20H to label


    ORG 0000 ;The following code will be placed

    ;in reset address 0.

    goto start ;Jump to an address whose label is


    add MACRO num1,num2 ;'add' is a macro. The values of

    ;'num1' and 'num2' must be passed

    ;to this macro.

    movlw num1 ;Load W register with a literal

    ;value assigned to the label


    movwf result ;Load W register to an address

    ;location assigned to the label


    movlw num2 ;Load W register with a literal

    ;value assigned to the label


    addwf result ;Add W register with the memory

    ;location addressed by 'result'

    ;and load the result back to


    endm ;end of 'add' MACRO

    org 0010 ;Main program starts at 10H.

    start ;The label 'start' is assigned an

    ;address 10H.

    add .100,.90 ;Call 'add' MACRO with decimal

    ;numbers 100 and 90 assigned to

    ;'num1' and 'num2' labels,

    ;respactively. 100 and 90 will be

    ;added and the result will be in



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