Multiple Directive Example 1

MPASM Assembler

Multiple Directive Example 1

Directives highlighted in this example are:

  • processor
  • radix
  • #include
  • equ
  • org
  • end
  • Program Functional Description

    This program continually alternates the output on the Port B pins from 1's to 0's. Two delay routines using interrupts provide the timing for the alternating output. If LEDs were attached to Port B, they would flash (1=on, 0=off).

    The type of PICmicro MCU is set using processor, and the radix is set to hexadecimal using radix. The standard header file for the processor selected is included using #include. Registers are assigned using the equ directive. Sections of code are blocked out using the org statement. Finally, the program is finished with an end.

    Commented Code Listing


    ;* MPASM Assembler Control Directives *

    ;* Example Program 1 *

    ;* Alternate output on Port B between *

    ;* 1's and 0's *


    processor 16f877 ;Set the processor

    radix hex ;Set the radix

    #include <> ;Include header file

    DTEMP equ 0x20 ;Set temp register

    DFLAG equ 0x21 ;Set flag register

    DFL0 equ 0x00 ;Set flag bit

    org 0x00 ;Reset Vector

    goto Start

    org 0x04 ;Interrupt Vector

    goto ServInt

    org 0x06 ;Start Program


    clrf PORTB ;Clear PortB

    bsf STATUS, RP0 ;Select Bank 1

    clrf TRISB ;Set PortB as output

    bcf STATUS, RP0 ;Select Bank 0

    bsf INTCON, GIE ;Enable Global Int's

    bsf INTCON, T0IE ;Enable Timer0 Int


    movlw 0xFF

    movwf PORTB ;Set PortB

    call Delay1 ;Wait

    clrf PORTB ;Clear PortB

    bsf PCLATH,3 ;Select Page 3

    bsf PCLATH,4

    call Delay2 ;Wait

    bcf PCLATH,3 ;Select Page 0

    bcf PCLATH,4

    goto Loop ;Repeat

    ServInt ;Interrupt Serice Routine

    bsf STATUS, RP0 ;Select Bank 1

    bsf OPTION_REG, T0CS ;Stop Timer0

    bcf STATUS, RP0 ;Select Bank 0

    bcf INTCON, T0IF ;Clear overflow flag

    bcf DFLAG, DFL0 ;Clear flag bit



    ;* Delay 1 Routine - Timer0 delay loop *



    movlw 0xF0 ;Set Timer0 value

    movwf TMR0 ;0x00-longest delay

    ;0xFF-shortest delay

    clrf DFLAG

    bsf DFLAG, DFL0 ;Set flag bit

    bsf STATUS, RP0 ;Select Bank 1

    bcf OPTION_REG, T0CS ;Start Timer0

    bcf STATUS, RP0 ;Select Bank 0


    btfsc DFLAG, DFL0 ;Wait for overflow

    goto TLoop ;Timer0 0xFF->0x00



    ;* Delay 2 Routine - Decrement delay loop *


    org 0x1900 ;Page 3


    movlw 0xFF ;Set DTEMP value

    movwf DTEMP ;0x00-shortest delay

    ;0xFF-longest delay


    decfsz DTEMP, F

    goto DLoop ;End loop when DTEMP=0



    Additional Comments

    Header Files

    A header file is included in the program flow with the #include directive.

    #include <> ;Include header file

    Angle brackets are used to enclose the name of the file to be included, although quotes may also be used. You may specify the complete path to the included file, or let the assembler search for it. For more on search order, see the discussion of the #include directive ().

    A header file is extremely useful for specifying often-used constants, such as register and pin names. This information can be typed in once, and then the file can be included in any code using the processor with those registers and pins.

    Register and Bit Assignments

    You can specify your own registers and bits by using the equ directive, as is done in the following lines.

    DTEMP equ 0x20 ;Set temp register

    DFLAG equ 0x21 ;Set flag register

    DFL0 equ 0x00 ;Set flag bit

    DTEMP and DFLAG are assigned to the values 0x20 and 0x21 respectively. They will be used in delay loops in the program to stand for the general purpose registers (GPRs) 0x20 and 0x21. DFL0 is assigned the value 0x00 and will be used as the name for pin 0 in the DFLAG register.

    Figure: PIC16F877 Register File Map

    Using ORG

    The org directive is used to specify the program origin for specific sections of code. If no org is used, code generation begins at address zero. For Example 1, org is used to specify code at 0x00 (reset address), 0x04 (interrupt address), 0x06 (program start address) and 0x1900 (Delay2 address).

    Figure: PIC16F877 Program Memory Map

    Most of the program is contained on page 0. However, the code for delay routine Delay2 has been placed on page 3. When calling this routine, you must remember to use the paging bits in the PCLATH to select page 3, and then use them to switch back to page 0 on the return.

    bsf PCLATH,3 ;Select Page 3

    bsf PCLATH,4

    call Delay2 ;Wait

    bcf PCLATH,3 ;Select Page 0

    bcf PCLATH,4

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