Upload Status and Progress

Microchip External Memory Programmer

External Memory Programmer
Upload Status and Progress

When uploading a HEX file, the current status will be display along with a progress bar. This can be used to indicate the amount of data that has been transferred. 



Upload Status

The upload status displays the current status of the communication to the device. Some of the messages that are displayed are:

  • Binary Upload: Sending ECHO
  • Binary Upload: Getting Max packet Size
  • Binary Upload: Erasing Memory
  • Binary Upload: Programming.....<x> of <y>
  • Binary Upload: Verifying...<x> of <y>


Where <x> is the current packet and <y> is the total number of packets to be sent 


Upload Progress

The upload progress is a graphical status of the communication when programming or verifying the device.

External Memory Programmer
Version 2.3.2
Release: July, 2012
Copyright (c) 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc. All rights reserved