Tool Bar

Microchip External Memory Programmer

External Memory Programmer
Tool Bar

The tool bar button are used to load a Hex file, configure the communication medium and upload the HEX file. 



Opens a file dialog box, which allows the user to choose a HEX file to be uploaded. 


Communication Settings

Opens a dialog box, which allows the user to select the type of communication, serial or USB, and specific communication settings. 


Serial Communication - Uses RS-232 communication.  


Serial Port - The serial port number (COM<x>) that will be used to communicate to the device. 

Baud Rate - The baud rate used to communication to the device. 

Parity - The parity used. 

Stop Bits - The length of the stop bits used. 


NOTE: The serial settings must be the same settings as the device. 




List Box - If there are any USB devices which match the product and vender ID associated with the External Memory Programmer, a list of the serial numbers will be present. The user must select the serial number of the device to communicate to. 


NOTE: The device should have a serial number and the correct product and vendor ID. Please refer to the External Memory demo in the MAL for the correct information. 



Uploads the HEX file to the device. The button is only enabled after a HEX file and communication settings have been configured.

External Memory Programmer
Version 2.3.2
Release: July, 2012
Copyright (c) 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc. All rights reserved