Setting the Communication Parameters

Microchip External Memory Programmer

External Memory Programmer
Setting the Communication Parameters

Setting the communication medium and parameters can be done with the Options dialog box. The dialog handles setting the serial and USB communication parameters. 


Serial Communication Settings

Follow these steps to configure the serial communication parameters

  1. Select the serial port. The drop down combo box will be populated with all of the serial ports that are available.
    1. The refresh button can be used to "refresh" the available serial ports.
  2. Select the baud rate.*
  3. Select the parity.*
  4. Select the stop bits.
  5. Set the communication timeout.


* It is important that the device has the same settings for proper communication. 


USB Communication Settings

Follow these steps to configure the USB communication parameters

  1. Plug in the USB device into the host PC running the External Memory Programmer.
    1. The host PC may require a driver and *.inf file to be associated with the USB device. Please refer the the USB driver section for more information.
  2. Select the USB radial button.
  3. The user can select the VID and/or PID of the USB device.
    1. After changing the VID or PID, the user must refresh the table, by pressing the refresh button.
    2. If the PID is left blank, then all USB devices that make the VID will populate the table
  4. Select the serial number corresponding to the USB device to upload.
  5. Set the communication timeout.



After the communication method has been configured, the information will be displayed on the main panel.

External Memory Programmer
Version 2.3.2
Release: July, 2012
Copyright (c) 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc. All rights reserved