MiWi Development Environment

MiWi(TM) Development Environment Help
#define TIME_SYNC_SLOTS 10

TIME_SYNC_SLOTS defines the total number of time slot available within one duty cycle. As a rule, the number of time slot must be equal or higher than the total number of sleeping devices that are connected to the FFD, so that each sleeping device can be assigned to a time slot. The time slot period is calcualted by following formula: Time Slot Period = RFD_WAKEUP_INTERVAL / TIME_SYNC_SLOTS The length of time slot period depends on the primary oscillator accuracy on the FFD as well as the 32KHz crystal accuracy on sleeping devices. The definition of TIME_SYNC_SLOTS is only valid if ENABLE_TIME_SYNC is defined

Microchip My Application xx.yy - [Jan 1, 2009]
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